Friday, September 28, 2012

viernes, el veintiocho de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students went to the lab at Avery today to practice for the 1.1 vocab quiz on Monday.
  • Finish the exercises from yesterday: Exs 3,4 & 5 pgs 32-33. Due Monday, Oct 1st.
  • 1.1 quiz 9part 1) on Monday, Oct 1st.
5th grade Spanish:
  • Students finished their flash cards on greetings, and began a word search/cross word puzzle.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Thursday, September 27, 2012

jueves, el veintisiete de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • Students finished the bell work for the week, which consisted of practicing pronouns, and using them in simple sentences. We then went over the week's bell work.
  • We reviewed vocabulary for jobs and buildings you live in, as well as the verb vivir. We added this verb to the verb sheet, and used the vocabulary on exercises.
Class work:
  • Exercises 3, 4 & 5 pgs 32-33. These are due by Monday, Oct 1st.
Tomorrow we will be going to the lab to practice for the quiz on Monday.

  • On 1.1 vocab (first part) on Mon. Oct 1st.
3rd Grade:
  • Students continued making their greetings flash cards, and if finished, they worked on a word search and crossword puzzle on these words.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

miércoles, el veintiseis de septiembre

No school.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

martes, el veinticinco de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • We went over last week's worksheet.
  • Students learned about pronouns and the verb ser: how to conjugate and how to use it, and when to use the verb estar.
  • Students wrote down what they have learned about the differences between English and Spanish.
Grammar lesson:

The verb ser = to be:
Yo soy = I am        Nosotros somos = We are
Tú eres = you are    Vosotros sois = You are
Él es = He is           Ellos son = They are
Ella es = She is       Ellas son = They are
Usted es = you are  Ustedes son = You are

You use ser for things that can never change or take a long time to change:
- your gender
- your nationality
- your religion
- your job (career)
- your looks and personality
- your origin

You use estar for things that can change quickly:
- feelings
- location
- being sick or healthy

Homework/Quiz: Study for 1.1 quiz on Mon Oct 1st

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students finished their flash cards, and then worked on a word search/crossword puzzle worksheet.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Monday, September 24, 2012

lunes, el veinticuatro de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • Students worked on pronouns in their bell work.
  • We reviewed the words for the 1.1 quiz on Monday, and played Jeopardy with them.
  • Students read a conversation in the book and answered questions on them, which we went over together in class.

  • Study for 1.1 quiz on Monday, Oct 1st.
  • 1.1 quiz on Monday, Oct 1st.\

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students finished their flash cards for the greetings word, and worked on a word search and cross word puzzle.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Friday, September 21, 2012

viernes, el veintiuno de septiembere

Spanish I:

  • We went over this week's bell work.
  • Students finished their skits, and some read (or acted them out) for the class.
  • They took turns spelling out their new Spanish names to a partner, as well as a phone number, and took turns saying them and writing down what they heard.
  • Finally they worked on the new worksheets which are due Mon Sept 24th.
  • Finish the new worksheet. due Mon Sept 24th.
  • Vocab quiz on 1.1 on Mon Oct 1st
5th grade:
  • Students finished their greetings flash cards, and began to write out a skit.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

jueves, el veinte de septiembre

Spanish I;

  • Students received their quizzes and we went over them individually.
  • Students continued working on their skits. They had to spell out their Spanish names.
  • They began a new worksheet that will be due on Monday.

  • Practice for vocab quiz on 1.1
  • The next quiz is on Unidad 1, Etapa 1, and will be on Mon Oct 1st on the following words:
Yo = I                                                                           Nosotros = we
Tú = You (familiar)                                                        Vosotros = you (y’all, only used in Spain)
Él = he                                                                           Ellos = they
Ella = she                                                                       Ellas = they (only girls)
Usted (Ud.) = you (formal)                                           Ustedes (Uds.) = you (formal in Spain, familiar in others)
Bailar = to dance                                                              Leer = to read
Cantar = to sing                                                                 Nadar = to swim
Comer = to eat                                                                  Patinar = to skate
Correr = to run                                                                  Trabajar = to work
Escribir = to write                                                            Gustar = to like

Me gusta = I like
Te gusta  = You like (familiar)
Le gusta = He likes/She likes/You like (formal)
Conjunctions/Extra words
Sí = yes
No = no, not
O = or
Pero = but
También = also
Y = and

3rd Grade Spanish:

  • Students continued working on their flash cards.
  • Once done, they did a word search/crossword puzzle on the greetings words.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

miércoles, el diecinueve de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • Students had their first quiz on the Etapa Preliminar words.
  • Then they worked on bellwork: first they had to do the bell work from last Friday, since we were in the lab. They got this week's bell work sheet, and worked on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday sections. We went over last week's bell work.
  • They got some time to finish the worksheet that was die today. Students who finished that, began a new worksheet that will be due next week. We went over the worksheet from last week (except for 2nd hour who began it today, and will work on it this week.
  • No homework.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • We had a shorter lesson than usual because of our fire drill.
  • We went over the Spanish greetings words, and students began a word search on these words.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

martes, el dieciocho de septiembre

No school.

lunes, el diecisiete de septiembre

No School

Friday, September 14, 2012

viernes, el catorce de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students went to the lab today and practiced vocabulary for the quiz on Etapa Preliminar next week.
  • They received the vocab words from 1.1 for their next quiz, which will be in a few wweks.
  • They also received a Spanishn newsletter (which can be found on my Berkley website).
  • All sections must study for the Etapa Preliminar vocab quiz on Wed. Sept. 19.
  • 1st, 4th, 6th, and 7th hour must finish the worksheet for Wed. Sept. 19.
  • 2nd hour will begin the worksheet next week, so it is not yet homework.
Quiz on Etapa Preliminar vocab quiz on Wed. Sept. 19.

New vocabulary:

The next quiz for Unidad 1, Etapa 1 will be in a few weeks, on the following words:

Unidad 1, Etapa 1 (part 1)
These are the words you must know for the second quiz on
Yo = I                                                                                     Nosotros = we
Tú = You (familiar)                                                           Vosotros = you (y’all, only used in Spain)
Él = he                                                                                   Ellos = they
Ella = she                                                                             Ellas = they (only girls)
Usted (Ud.) = you (formal)                                           Ustedes (Uds.) = you (formal in Spain, familiar in others)
Bailar = to dance                                                              Leer = to read
Cantar = to sing                                                                 Nadar = to swim
Comer = to eat                                                                  Patinar = to skate
Correr = to run                                                                  Trabajar = to work
Escribir = to write                                                            Gustar = to like

Me gusta = I like
Te gusta  = You like (familiar)
Le gusta = He likes/She likes/You like (formal)
Conjunctions/Extra words
Sí = yes
No = no, not
O = or
Pero = but
También = also
Y = and

5th grade Spanish:

  • Students continued making their greetings flash cards.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Thursday, September 13, 2012

jueves, el trece de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • Students had several listening activities, practicing spelling out words and giving phone numbers in Spanish. We will doing some of these for each chapter, to practice for the ones on chapter tests.
  • Students began to write a simple introduction skit. They had to pick two first names and two last names, all in Spanish. They will continue working on this next week.
  • Tomorrow students will go to the lab at Avery to practice for the quiz.
1st, 4th, 6th, and 7th hour: Must finish the worksheet by Wed. Sept. 19. They also need to study for the etapa preliminar quiz on Wed. Sept. 19.
2nd hour: They only need to study for the etapa preliminar quiz on Wed. Sept. 19. They will do the worksheet next week.

Quiz on etapa preliminar on Wed. Sept. 19

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students finished their flash cards on greetings.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

miércoles, el doce de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • 1st, 4th, 6th, and 7th hour: We went over the exercises assigned yesterday. 
  • Students had time to correct mistakes on their practice quiz, and to take a new quiz.
  • Students began a worksheet packet on the Etapa Preliminar. This is not due until Wed. Sept 19, and they will have class time tomorrow to work on it.
  • Students have a vocab quiz on the Etapa Preliminar on Wed. Sept. 19
3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students began making flash cards for the greetings vocabulary. They will have a matching test on these words in a few weeks.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

martes, el once de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students began to do bell work. They will do this every Monday from now on, for a grade, and we will go over it on Friday. Bell work this week is writing down the date and the weather.
  • Students received hand outs on the calendar, weather, Spanish punctuation on the computer, and how to pronouns the alphabet and numbers.
  • I handed back the practice quiz and we went opver some of the common mistakes. Students were shown which spelling mistakes are acceptable and which are not acceptable.
  • We finished reviewing the Etapa Preliminar chapter.
2nd hour did not have much of a Spanish class because of the Fun Run assembly. They were only able to start the bell work. they do not have any homework today, and we will do today's work tomorrow.

  • Students began classwork questions from the textbook, and had class time to work on them. This is to be finished for homework, due tomorrow. We will go over each exercise in class tomorrow.
  • The first vocab quiz is on Wed, Sept 19. Students have the exact words they need to know, and they are on this blog, and in the class room.
3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students began making flash cards for the greetings vocabulary. They will have a quiz on these words in several weeks.
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Monday, September 10, 2012

lunes, el diez de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students had a practice vocab quiz for Etapa Preliminar. We went over the differences between spelling mistakes that will be allowed and not marked wrong, and mistakes that are grammar mistakes, like making something masculine or femenine, and using the correct endings for verbs.
  • We began to review the first chapter Etapa Preliminar:
  1. Greetings
  2. Where Spanish is spoken
  3. Formal versus informal, for asking someone their name
            ¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name? (familiar, used with family and friends)
            ¿Cómo se llama? = What is your name? (formal, used with people you don't know or to
                                             show respect)
    4. Sounds of the Spanish alphabet

         H = is silent
         C/G are hard sounds if followed by a, o, and u (casa, como, cual, gato, gordo, guapo)
         C/G are soft sounds if followed by e and i (cero, cien, general, gigante)
    5. How to say the date in Spanish:
                Hoy es lunes, el diez de septiembre.     

  • Study for first vocab quiz
  • Vocabulary quiz on Etapa Preliminar is on Wed. Sept 19

3rd grade Spanish:

  • We went over greetings words, and began to make flash cards.           
Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Friday, September 7, 2012

viernes, el siete de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students went back to the lab today. They each created their own account on to use at home for studying purposes.
  • They finished their flash cards and practiced them on either,, or one of the En Español websites.
  • Start studying the vocabulary words you do not know on the Etapa Preliminar chapter for a quiz on Wed. Sept. 19
  • The first vocabulary quiz is on Wed. Sept 19 on the Etapa Preliminar. Students will receive a copy of which words they need to know on Monday. The words they need to know are:
Buenos días.      Good morning.                                
Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.                                                             
Buenas noches.                Good night.
leer                        to read
escribir                 to write
escuchar              to listen
hablar                   to talk
¿Cómo se llama?              What is her/his/your formal name?                        
¿Cómo se llaman?           What is their name?                                                      
¿ Cómo te llamas?           What is your name?       
Me llamo…..                       My name is…                                                                    
Se llama….                           His/her/your formal name is…                  
Se llaman….                        Their names are….
¿De dónde eres?             Where are you from?                                                   
¿De dónde es?                  Where is he/she/are you formal from?          
Soy de…..             I am from….                                                                      
Es de…..                               He/she/you formal are from….
¿Qué día es hoy?             What day is today?                                                                                         
Hoy es….                              Today is…..         
lunes                                     Monday
martes                                  Tuesday
miércoles                            Wednesday
jueves                                  Thursday
viernes                                 Friday
sábado                                 Saturday
domingo                              Sunday

5th Grade Spanish:

  • Students were given a vocabulary sheet of basic greetings. They began to make flash cards for these. They will have a quiz on these words in about a month.
Greetings vocabulary for 5th grade:

Hola = Hello
Adiós = Goodbye
Buenos días = Good morning
Buenas tardes = Good afternoon
Buenas noches = Good night
Gracias = Thank you
De nada = You are welcome
Por favor = Please
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo = My name is
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy = I am
Bien = Good/fine
Mal = Bad/not well
Así, así = So-so
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. = I am ____ years old.
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de ____. My birthday is _______ ___.
¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?
Vivo en… = I live in …

Thursday, September 6, 2012

jueves, el seis de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students went to the computer lab at Avery and made flash cards, either on their phones or ipods, or on the website, These were flash cards for any of the words from last year that they do not remember.
  • We looked at the most useful Spanish websites:


  • No homework today. Tomorrow we might be gong back to the lab. Check for a sign on my class room door.
3rd grade Ms. Hollerbach:
  • Students made name tags with their Spanish names.

miércoles, el cinco de septiembre

¡Hola and welcome back!
Please make sure to check this blog every day, for important information. You will find notes and study guides, and information on what the homework is, when it is due, and when you will have a test.

Spanish I:
  • Students wrote down common Spanish frases and questions that they will need to use in the class room.
  • Students reviewed vocabulary learned last year. They highlighted the words they do not remember. Tomorrow they will be making flash cards for these in the lab.
  • Finish highlighting Spanish vocabulary that you do not remember. Due by tomorrow.
You must know the vocabulary from the etapa preliminar, and unidad 1.
Click on the links below to get the vocabulary sheets:

Unidad 1, etapa 1:

Unidad 1, etapa 2:

Unidad 1, etapa 3:

3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students made name tags with their Spanish names.