Tuesday, March 26, 2013

martes. el veintiséis de marzo

Spanish I:

  • Students worked on the five questions they need to know for the test. 
  • They practiced their irregular verb conjugations.
  • They began a translation sheet using ir + a + an infinitive verb. This is not homework. We will continue working on it tomorrow.

  • Study for the 2.3 test on April 12th, by studying the vocabulary on og 167 and conjugating the irregular verbs, and studying from the study guide.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their number book.
  • Those who finished began working on our next project: designing a city. Students will create a Spanish city, name it and everything in it.
Numbers 1-31
1 = uno           11 = once              21 = veintiuno        31 = treinta y uno  
2 = dos           12 = doce             22 = veintidós
3 = tres         13 = trece           23 = veintitrés
4 = cuatro      14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro  
5 = cinco        15 = quince           25 = veinticinco
6 = seis          16 =dieciséis        26 = veintiséis
7 = siete        17 = diecisiete     27 = veintisiete
8 =  ocho        18 = dieciocho      28 = veintiocho
9 = nueve       19 = diecinueve    29 = veintinueve
10 = diez        20 = veinte                   30 = treinta

Monday, March 25, 2013

lunes, el veinticinco de marzo

Spanish I:

  • I passed out the study guides for 2.3, and went over it with the class. The test will be on Friday, April 12th. We will finish the chapter tomorrow, and review for it the week of April 8th. 
  • Students needs to practice conjugating, ar, er, and ir verbs, as well as the new irregular verbs (hacer, conocer, and oír), the 5 questions they need to answer (on the study guide), and review the 2.3 vocabulary.
Grammar Notes:

  • Students learned how to use the verb ir (to go) to talk about where they are going. Today they learned how to use it to talk about things they are going to do (in the very near future).
With a noun:
Yo voy a la escuela. = I am going to school.
Yo voy al gimnasio. (a + el = al) = I am going to the gym.

With a verb
Yo voy a comer. = I am going to eat.  You conjugate the first verb "ir" but not the second verb "comer"
Tú vas a estudiar. = You are going to study.
Nosotros vamos a beber agua. = We are going to drink water.

Personal "a":

Personal “a”

Whenever a person is the object of a verb, the personal “a” must be used before the verb, except when using the verb “tener”

Yo conozco a María. = I know María.
Yo oigo a María. = I hear María
Yo cuido a María.= I take care of María.
Yo hablo a María. = I speak to María.

  • Study for the 2.3 test on April 12th.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their number book.
  • Those who finished began working on our next project: designing a city. Students will create a Spanish city, name it and everything in it.
Numbers 1-31
1 = uno           11 = once              21 = veintiuno        31 = treinta y uno  
2 = dos           12 = doce             22 = veintidós
3 = tres         13 = trece           23 = veintitrés
4 = cuatro      14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro  
5 = cinco        15 = quince           25 = veinticinco
6 = seis          16 =dieciséis        26 = veintiséis
7 = siete        17 = diecisiete     27 = veintisiete
8 =  ocho        18 = dieciocho      28 = veintiocho
9 = nueve       19 = diecinueve    29 = veintinueve
10 = diez        20 = veinte                   30 = treinta

Study Guide for 2.3

2.3 Study Guide

ü    ALL vocab is fair game!  Make sure that you know everything from past vocabulary tests. Be familiar with the vocabulary on page 167.
ü    Know:
1)      The verb “ir (conjugated) + a + infinitive verb (not conjugated)” = to be going to do something
2)      The verb “ir (conjugated) + a + the place”= to be going to a place
        Yo  voy a…                                   Nosotros vamos a…
       Tú vas a…                                     Vosotros vais a…
       Él/Ella/Usted va a…                     Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes van a…

      Ex.     Yo voy a estudiar. = I am going to study.
     Tú vas a la cafeteria. = You are going to the cafeteria.
    Nosotros vamos al gimnasio. = We are going to the gym. (Remember that “a + el” becomes “al”).
    IMPORTANT: Conjugate the first verb “ir”. Do NOT conjugate the second verb (what you    r   are actually going to be doing)

ü    Know your verb endings
-ar verb endings:            -er verb endings:         -ir verb endings:
-o     -amos                       -o          -emos               -o                  -imos
-as     -áis                          -es         -éis-                 -es                 -ís
-a     -an                           - e          -en-                   -e                  -en     

Make sure to look at the verb, and see if it is an ar, er, or ir verb, and use the appropriate endings. Look where the accents go for the vosotros form, and do not forget to add the accent.

    ü     Know the three new irregular verbs
Hacer = to do, to make
hago               hacemos
haces              hacéis
hace               hacen

Yo hago la tarea. = I do my homework.
Yo hago ejercicio. = I exercise.

Conocer = to know (must be followed by “a”)
conozco          conocemos
conoces          conocéis
conoce            conocen

Yo conozco a Ana. = I know Ana.

Oír - to hear
oigo            oímos
oyes            oís
oye              oyen

Yo oigo la television. = I hear the television.

  • Personal “a”

Whenever a person is the object of a verb, the personal “a” must be used before the verb, except when using the verb “tener”

Yo conozco a María. = I know María.
Yo oigo a María. = I hear María
Yo cuido a María.= I take care of María.
Yo hablo a María. = I speak to María.

The personal “a” can also be used with animals that are pets, but it is not required.
Yo voy a cuidar a mi gato. OR Yo voy a cuidar mi gato.

   ü    Review the past irregular verbs: ser (pg 35) tener (pg 78), ir (pg 130), and estar (pg 134).

   ü    Be aware that you use “ser” for describing yourself, saying where you are from, and for telling time and that you use “estar” to describe your feelings and your location (where you are right now).

   ü      Know how to answer these five questions orally:

  1. ¿Qué vas a hacer el sábado? = What are you going to do on Saturday?

Ex.   El sábado voy a pasear. (Choose a verb, and do not conjugate it)

  1. ¿A qué hora vas a hacer la tarea? = At what time are you going to do your homework?

Ex.   Voy a hacer la tarea a las cinco de la tarde. (Choose your time)

  1. ¿Adónde vas con tus amigos? = Where do you go with your friends?

Ex.   Voy al parque con mis amigos. (Choose where you go)

  1. ¿Qué te gusta leer? = What do you like to read?

         Ex. Me gusta leer una novela. (Choose what you like to read)

  1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre (free time)? = What do you like to do in your free time?

       Ex. Me gusta tocar la guitarra. (Choose what you like to do)

Friday, March 22, 2013

viernes, el veintidós de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students went to the lab at Avery today. They either worked on their menus or practiced their vocabulary. Some of them began, but didn't finish their menus. The menus were due today, so anyone who didn't turn it in, will lose 5 points, and will have to turn it in on Monday.
  • Some students did not come to Spanish class today, as they were in the gym for March Madness. They will have to turn their menus in on Monday.
  • There is no actual homework, but students should be studying their 2.3 vocabulary for the 2.3 test which will be after the spring break.
5th Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their number book.

Numbers 1-31
1 = uno           11 = once              21 = veintiuno        31 = treinta y uno  
2 = dos           12 = doce             22 = veintidós
3 = tres         13 = trece           23 = veintitrés
4 = cuatro      14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro  
5 = cinco        15 = quince           25 = veinticinco
6 = seis          16 =dieciséis        26 = veintiséis
7 = siete        17 = diecisiete     27 = veintisiete
8 =  ocho        18 = dieciocho      28 = veintiocho
9 = nueve       19 = diecinueve    29 = veintinueve
10 = diez        20 = veinte                   30 = treinta

Thursday, March 21, 2013

jueves, el veintiuno de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students had their 2.3 quiz (part 2).
  • We went over the exercises assigned yesterday.
  • They worked on their menus and restaurant skits. Menus are due tomorrow. Restaurant skits are due by next week.
  • Menu is due tomorrow.
  • The next quiz on 3.1 (part 1). NO date set yet. Students will get the words and vocab packet on Monday.

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their number book.
  • Those who finished began working on our next project: designing a city. Students will create a Spanish city, name it and everything in it.
Numbers 1-31
1 = uno           11 = once              21 = veintiuno        31 = treinta y uno  
2 = dos           12 = doce             22 = veintidós
3 = tres         13 = trece           23 = veintitrés
4 = cuatro      14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro  
5 = cinco        15 = quince           25 = veinticinco
6 = seis          16 =dieciséis        26 = veintiséis
7 = siete        17 = diecisiete     27 = veintisiete
8 =  ocho        18 = dieciocho      28 = veintiocho
9 = nueve       19 = diecinueve    29 = veintinueve
10 = diez        20 = veinte                   30 = treinta

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

miércoles, el veinte de marzo

Spanish I:

  • We went over the endings of -ar, -er, and -ir verbs, and students added these to their verb study sheets.
  • Students began exercises #12, 13 & 14 on pg 156. These are due tomorrrow.
  • Book exercises #12, 13, & 14, pg 156. Due tomorrow
  • The 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is due tomorrow.
  • The next quiz on 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is tomorrow.

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their number book.
  • Those who finished began working on our next project: designing a city. Students will create a Spanish city, name it and everything in it.
Numbers 1-31
1 = uno           11 = once              21 = veintiuno        31 = treinta y uno  
2 = dos           12 = doce             22 = veintidós
3 = tres         13 = trece           23 = veintitrés
4 = cuatro      14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro  
5 = cinco        15 = quince           25 = veinticinco
6 = seis          16 =dieciséis        26 = veintiséis
7 = siete        17 = diecisiete     27 = veintisiete
8 =  ocho        18 = dieciocho      28 = veintiocho
9 = nueve       19 = diecinueve    29 = veintinueve
10 = diez        20 = veinte                   30 = treinta

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

martes, el diecinueve de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Spanish I students learned how to conjugate regular -er and - ir verbs, and added them to their verb list.
  • They learned three new irregular verbs: hacer, conocer, and oír.
  • They worked on verb sheets, conjugating all of the verbs on pg 167. This is due tomorrow.
Grammar Lesson:

-ar verb endings:           
-o     -amos
-as    -áis
-a     -an

e.g. hablar = to talk
hablo   hablamos
hablas  habláis
habla   hablan
     -er verb endings:

-o                   -emos
-es                  -éis
-e                   -en

e.g. comer = to eat

como   comemos
comes  coméis
come   comen

-ir verb endings:

-o                  -imos
-es                 -ís
-e                  -en

e.g. vivir = to live

vivo   vivimos
vives  vivís
vive   viven

Know the three new irregular verbs:
Hacer = to do, to make
hago               hacemos
haces              hacéis
hace               hacen

Yo hago la tarea. = I do my homework.
Yo hago ejercicio. = I (do) exercise.

Conocer = to know (must be followed by “a”)
conozco          conocemos
conoces          conocéis
conoce            conocen

Yo conozco a Ana. = I know Ana.

Oír - to hear
oigo            oímos
oyes            oís
oye              oyen

Yo oigo la television. = I hear the television.

  • Verb conjugations are due tomorrow.
  • The 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is due Thursday, March 21st when we have the next quiz.
  • The next quiz on 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is on Thursday, March 21st.

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their number book.
Numbers 1-31
1 = uno           11 = once              21 = veintiuno        31 = treinta y uno  
2 = dos           12 = doce             22 = veintidós
3 = tres         13 = trece           23 = veintitrés
4 = cuatro      14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro  
5 = cinco        15 = quince           25 = veinticinco
6 = seis          16 =dieciséis        26 = veintiséis
7 = siete        17 = diecisiete     27 = veintisiete
8 =  ocho        18 = dieciocho      28 = veintiocho
9 = nueve       19 = diecinueve    29 = veintinueve
10 = diez        20 = veinte                   30 = treinta

Monday, March 18, 2013

lunes, el dieciocho de marzo

We had a wonderful time in Chicago, and the students used their Spanish to talk to people in stores and restaurants!! I am very proud of all of them!!

Spanish I:
  • Students worked on their menus. They each have to make a Hispanic menu, and list at least three types of food or drinks for each category. It is due this Friday. They can make a neat copy on colored paper, or make one at the lab this Friday.
  • The 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is due Thursday, March 21st when we have the next quiz.
  • The next quiz on 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is on Thursday, March 21st.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their number book.
Numbers 1-31
1 = uno           11 = once              21 = veintiuno        31 = treinta y uno  
2 = dos           12 = doce             22 = veintidós
3 = tres         13 = trece           23 = veintitrés
4 = cuatro      14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro  
5 = cinco        15 = quince           25 = veinticinco
6 = seis          16 =dieciséis        26 = veintiséis
7 = siete        17 = diecisiete     27 = veintisiete
8 =  ocho        18 = dieciocho      28 = veintiocho
9 = nueve       19 = diecinueve    29 = veintinueve
10 = diez        20 = veinte                   30 = treinta

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chicago News!!

A.J. and Brendan won the dance contest. Destiny and Lakeyta came in 4th!! That makes 5 wins out of 5 trips for my wonderful Spanish students!! 3 years in a row for Anderson and now two years in a row for Norup!! Señora Roth's Spanish students ROCK!!

viernes, el quince de marzo

I am on my way to Chicago for our Spanish trip with Miss Campbell, 43 students and 5 parents in a bus full of happy, excited kids!!

Spanish I:

  • Students who stayed behind today worked on making a menu in Spanish for their restaurant skit. They will be able to finish it next week at the lab. 

  • The 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is due Thursday, March 21st when we have the next quiz.
  • The next quiz on 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is on Thursday, March 21st.
5th Grade Spanish:
  • Students worked on their numbers books.
    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      The number comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve

Thursday, March 14, 2013

jueves, el catorce de marzo

Don't forget that we are going to Chicago tomorrow. Be here at 5:30 am!!
  Spanish I:
  • There was no Spanish for 1st, 2nd or 4th hour, since they were on a field trip.
  • Spanish students in the afternoon worked on their restaurant skits. A rough copy of this is due at the end of Monday's class.
  • The 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is due Thursday, March 21st when we have the next quiz.
  • The next quiz on 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is on Thursday, March 21st.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students worked on their numbers books.
    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

miércoles, el trece de marzo

Don't forget that we are going to Chicago this Friday. Be here at 5:30 am!! Students staying behind will be working on restaurant skits.
Students going to Chicago received a special backpack, travelling tags, and a final letter for parents.

Spanish I:
  • Students went to the lab at Avery today. They went on various websites to practice for the quiz next week.
  • The 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is due Thursday, March 21st when we have the next quiz.
  • The next quiz on 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is on Thursday, March 21st.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students began making a number book, using the numbers 1-31 that they will be tested on in a few weeks.

    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve

martes, el doce de marzo

Don't forget that we are going to Chicago this Friday. Be here at 5:30 am!! Students staying behind will be working on restaurant skits.

Spanish I:

  • Students began a skit on restaurants. They will be learning how to order food and ask for things. This will help those going to Chicago and Costa Rica :-)  The skits are not due for a few weeks, but they must have a rough draft done by next week.
  • The 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is due Thursday, March 21st when we have the next quiz.
  • The next quiz on 2.3 (part 2) vocab sheet is on Thursday, March 21st.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students began making a number book, using the numbers 1-31 that they will be tested on in a few weeks.

    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
    10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta