Wednesday, March 28, 2012

miércoles, el veintiocho de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students worked on review grammar exercises for the 2.3 test. They did exercises 1, 2, 3, & 4 on pgs 164-165. These are due tomorrow.
  • 2.3 vocab quiz can be taken any day this week.
  • The 2.3 test will be on Wednesday, April 11th, after spring break.
Third grade Spanish:

  • Students continued working on their city project.

martes, el veinitisiete de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students finished writing their practice of the written portion of the exam. i went over each one once they were done, and students made a neat copy to study from. These are due tomorrow.
  • 2.3 vocab quiz can be taken any day this week.
  • The 2.3 test will be on Wednesday, April 11th, after spring break.
4th grade Spanish:
  • Students continued labelling their countries. If finished, they worked on writing on the history of their countries.

lunes, el veintiseis de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students continued working on the oral and writing part of the 2.3 test.
  • 2.3 vocab quiz can be taken any day this week.
  • The 2.3 test will be on Wednesday, April 11th, after spring break.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students finished labelling their cities, and if finished, they began writing about their cities in English.

Friday, March 23, 2012

viernes, el veintitres de marzo

Spanish I:

  • Students received the writing practice for the 2.3 exam. We will work on this today and next week.
Writing Practice for 2.3:

Practice for 2.3 Exam
Oral and written

Oral questions for 2.3 Exam

  1. ¿Qué vas a hacer el sábado? = What are you going to do on Saturday?

  1. ¿A qué hora vas a hacer la tarea? = At what time are you going to do your homework?

  1. ¿Adónde vas con tus amigos? = Where do you go with your friends?

  1. ¿Qué te gusta leer? = What do you like to read?

  1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? = What do you like to do in your free time?

Practice Writing for Exam

  1. Practice writing about all the following things in Spanish. You can look at your notes or your book. This MUST be done on your OWN, in quiet, with no one working with you. You must each have your own version.

The vocabulary you will need are on pages 21, 47, 69, 93, 121, 143, and 167.
The verb conjugations you will need are on:
·        pg  35: ser
·        pg 39: gustar
·        pg 78: tener
·        pg 130: ir
·        pg 134: estar
·        Pg 109: regular “ar verbs
·        Pg 157: regular “er” and “ir” verbs
·        Pg 157: hacer and conocer
·        Pg 158: oír

You MUST  use the verbs and the places on pg 167. You can choose which ones to use. If you do not do some of the following things, then you MUST talk about someone ( a friend or family member) who DOES do them.

1)      Write about what you will do this weekend and where you will go. Mention what you will do on Friday AND Saturday AND Sunday. Use the verbs “ir + an infinitive verb”. (Use the words “el viernes, el sábado, el domingo” to say what you do on these days.)

2)      Describe one of your friends (name, age, looks, and personality). Use the verbs “llamar, tener, and ser”.

3)      Write about who in your family prepares dinner and who shops for food in the supermarket. Use the verbs “preparar” and “ir”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for dinner, food and supermarket)

4)      Write about who looks after your pet or younger sibling. If you do not have a pet or a sibling, talk about someone you know who does have a pet or younger sibling. Use the verb “cuidar a”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for animals or people to look after, or use a dictionary).

5)      Write about what instrument you play. If you do not play one, write about  someone you know who does play an instrument. Use the verb “tocar”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for instruments to play, or use a dictionary for other instruments).

6)      Write about what you like to read. If you do not like to read, write about someone you know who does like to write, and say what this person likes to read. Use the verb “leer”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for things to read)

7)      Write about what you do with your friends when you hang out with them. Use the verb “pasar un rato con mis amigos” (Use the vocabulary on pg 167 for things to do and places to go to)

8)      Write about what you like to do in your free time. (Use the vocabulary on pg 167 for verbs, things to do and places to go to).

9)       Write about who you send a letter(email/text) to. Use the verb “mandar una carta/email/text” (Use the vocabulary on pg 167).

10)  Write about what you hear when you go to a park. Use the verb “oír”. (Use the vocabulary on pg 167).

11) Write down all the sequencing events words below, and STUDY them well. You will have to use them on the written part of the test.

Sequencing events words: (pg 167)

Before =

After/afterward =

Then/so =

Later =

Finally =

First =

12) Practice writing a few sentences using these sequencing words, telling what you do on any given weekend. Use verbs and vocabulary from pg 67.

jueves, el veintidos de marzo

Spanish I:
  • They reviewed the vocabulary for the 2.3 quiz next week. Students tested each other on the words.
  • Students received the study guide for the 2.3 test.
There was no 6th or 7th hour today because of March Madness.

  •  2.3 quiz is next week, and 2.3 exam is the Tusday after spring break.
Fourth grade Spanish:
  • Students labelled their countries.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

miércoles, el veintiuno de marzo

Spanish I:
Study Guide for 2.3 exam

2.3 Study Guide

ü              ALL vocab is fair game!  Make sure that you know everything from past vocabulary tests. Be familiar with the vocabulary on page 167.
ü              Know:
1)      The verb “ir (conjugated) + a + infinitive verb (not conjugated)” = to be going to do something
2)      The verb “ir (conjugated) + a + the place”= to be going to a place
Yo voy a…                                    Nosotros vamos a…
Tú vas a…                                     Vosotros vais a…
Él/Ella/Usted va a…                       Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes van a…

Ex.     Yo voy a estudiar. = I am going to study.
Tú vas a la cafeteria. = You are going to the cafeteria.
Nosotros vamos al gimnasio. = We are going to the gym. (Remember that “a + el” becomes “al”)

IMPORTANT: Conjugate the first verb “ir”. Do NOT conjugate the second verb (what you are actually going to be doing)

ü               \Know:
-ar verb endings:
-o     -amos
-as    -áis
-a     -an
     -er verb endings:

-o                   -emos
-es                  -éis
-e                   -en

-ir verb endings:

-o                  -imos
-es                 -ís
-e                  -en

ü               Know the three new irregular verbs
Hacer = to do, to make
hago               hacemos
haces              hacéis
hace               hacen

Yo hago la tarea. = I do my homework.
Yo hago ejercicio. = I exercise.

Conocer = to know (must be followed by “a”)
conozco          conocemos
conoces          conocéis
conoce            conocen

Yo conozco a Ana. = I know Ana.

Oír - to hear
oigo            oímos
oyes            oís
oye              oyen

Yo oigo la television. = I hear the television.

ü              Review the past irregular verbs: ser (pg 35) tener (pg 78), ir (pg 130), and estar (pg 134).

ü              Be aware that you use “ser” for describing yourself, saying where you are from, and for telling time and that you use “estar” to describe your feelings and your location (where you are right now).

ü               Know how to answer these five questions orally:
  1. ¿Qué vas a hacer el sábado? = What are you going to do on Saturday?

Ex.   El sábado voy a pasear. (Choose a verb, and do not conjugate it)

  1. ¿A qué hora vas a hacer la tarea? = At what time are you going to do your homework?

Ex.   Voy a hacer la tarea a las cinco de la tarde. (Choose your time)

  1. ¿Adónde vas con tus amigos? = Where do you go with your friends?

Ex.   Voy al parque con mis amigos. (Choose where you go)

  1. ¿Qué te gusta leer? = What do you like to read?

         Ex. Me gusta leer una novela. (Choose what you like to read)

  1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre (free time)? = What do you like to do in your free time?

       Ex. Me gusta tocar la guitarra. (Choose what you like to do)

Today in Spanish we reviewed the verb "oír" and did exercises 18 and 19 on pg 158. these are due tomorrow.

3rd Grade Spanish:
Students continued labeeling their cities.

martes, el veinte de marzo

Spanish I:

  • We went over exercises 15, 16 & 17 from pg 157.
  • We reviewed how to use the verb oír (to hear)
  • Students did exercises 18 and 19. They are due romorrow.
Grammar lesson:

Oír = To hear
oigo     oímos
oyes    oís
oye      oyen

  • The first vocab quiz on 2.3 can be taken any day next week, and must be taken by next Friday.
  • The 2.3 test will be on Tuesday after spring break. We will review for this test all next week.
3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students continued labelling their cities.

Monday, March 19, 2012

lunes, el diecinueve de marzo

Spanish I:
  • We went over last week's exercises.
  • We reveiwed our three new irregular verbs : hacer, conocer, and oír.
  • We did exercises #15, 16 & 17, on pg 157. These are due tomorrow.
Grammar lesson:

Hacer =- To do, to make
hago      hacemos
haces    hacéis
hace     hacen

Conocer = To know

conozco   conocemos
conoces   conocéis
conoce    conocen

Oír = To hear

oigo   oímos
oyes  oís
oye    oyen

3rd grade Spanish:

  • Students began labelling their cities in Spanish.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

viernes, el dieciséis de marzo

Spanish I
  • 68 of my Spanish I students will be in Chicago with me, using their Spanish around the Mexican parts of Chicago. :-)
  • The students at Norup will work on a short commercial skit in Spanish.

jueves, el quince de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Today was a half day, and only 4th, 5th, and 6th hour had Spanish.
  • 4th and 6th hour worked on their vocabulary and skits.
  • 5th hour went over how to use "ir" (to go) with "a", to talk about what you are going to do in the near future. They were assigned ex #7, pg 152 to do in class.
5th hour grammar lesson:
  • Using the verb "ir":
Yo voy                  Nosotros vamos
Tú vas                   Vosotros vais
Él/Ella/Usted va     Ellos/Ella/Ustedes van

The verb "ir" means "to go". It can be used to say where you are going ( a place) or what you are going to do in the near future.

1) Ir + al/a la + place

Yo voy a la cafetería. = I go to the cafeteria.
Yo voy al gimnasio. = I got to the gym.  ( "a + el" = changes to "al")

2) Ir + a + verb (infinitve form = not conjugated verb)

Yo voy a hablar. = I am going to talk.
Yo voy a comer. = I am going to eat.
Yo voy a escribir. = I am going to write.

IMPORTANT: You do not conjugate the second verb.

  • Using the verb "tener"
The verb "tener" means "to have":

tengo       tenemos
tienes       tenéis
tiene        tienen

You use this verb to say what you have, how old you are, and also if you are hungry or thirsty.

Yo tengo una hermana. = I have a sister.
Yo tengo catorce años. = I am 14 years old.
Yo tengo hambre. = I am hungry.
Yo tengo sed. = I am thirsty.

If used in a question:

¿Tienes hambre? = Are you hungry?

There was no 4th grade Spanish today because of the half day schedule.

miércoles, el catorce de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students tested each other on the new 2.3 vocabulary.
  • When they were done, they worked on their restaurant skits.
3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students are now labelling their cities, thinking of names for everything they have drawn, and writing them in Spanish. They have been doing a wonderful job and soon I will be displaying their cities all around the school.

martes, el trece de marzo

Spanish I:
  • We reviewed the new vefbs in this chapter, and went over exercises in the book.
  • Students were assigned exs #12, 13 & 14, pgs156-157 These are due tomorrow.

4th grade Spanish:
  • Students are now labelling their countries, thinking of names for everything they have drawn, and writing them in Spanish. They have been doing a wonderful job and soon I will be displaying their countries all around the school.

lunes, el doce de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students were given the vocabulary packet on 2.3 vocabulary. The 2.3 words have once again been shortened. This section has all the verbs in the chapter. the test won't be for a few weeks. This packet is due on Monday, March 19th.
3rd grade Spanish:
  • There was no Spanish today, as they were on a field trip.

Friday, March 9, 2012

viernes, el nueve de marzo

Spanish I:

  • We reviewed how to conjugate "ar" verbs and the four irregular verbs we have learned this year: ser, estar, tener, and ir.
  • We learned how to conjugate "er" and "ir" verbs.
  • We learned three new irregular verbs: hacer, conocer, and oír.
  • Students had to fill out three sheets of conjugating verb sheets, doing one for each verb on pg 167. This is due on Monday.
Grammar lesson:

Irregular verbs learned so far:

Ser = to be
soy    somos
eres   sois
es      son

Estar = to be
estoy     estamos
estás     estáis
está       están

tener = to have
tengo   tenemos
tienes   tenéis
tiene     tienen

ir = to go
voy   vamos
vas   vais
va     van

New irregular verbs:

hacer = to do. to make (only irregular for the "yo" form)
hago   hacemos
haces   hacéis
hace    hacen

conocer = to know (only irregular for the "yo" form)
conozco    conocemos
conoces    conocéis
conoce      conocen

oír = to hear (rregular all around!!)
oigo    oímos
oyes    oís
oye     oyen

ver = to see (only irregular for the "yo" form)
veo   vemos
ves   veis
ve     ven

regular "ar" verbs

o     amos
as   áis
a     an

regular "er" verbs

o    emos
es   éis
e    en

regular "ir"verbs

o     imos
es   ís
e     en

Thursday, March 8, 2012

jueves, el ocho de marzo

Spanish I:
  • We began Unit 2.3. We first went over the new vocabulary words, and talked about how to use the verbs on this list, and which prepositions or articles they are used with.
  • We reviewed how to conjugate the verb "tener" (to have), and talked about how it is used to say that you are hungry (hambre) or thirsty (sed).
  • We reviewed how to conjugate the verb "ir" and how to use it in a sentence.
  • Students were assigned exercises 7 and 8 on pgs 152-153. These are due tomorrow.
Grammar Lesson:
  • Using the verb "ir":
Yo voy                  Nosotros vamos
Tú vas                   Vosotros vais
Él/Ella/Usted va     Ellos/Ella/Ustedes van

The verb "ir" means "to go". It can be used to say where you are going ( a place) or what you are going to do in the near future.

1) Ir + al/a la + place

Yo voy a la cafetería. = I go to the cafeteria.
Yo voy al gimnasio. = I got to the gym.  ( "a + el" = changes to "al")

2) Ir + a + verb (infinitve form = not conjugated verb)

Yo voy a hablar. = I am going to talk.
Yo voy a comer. = I am going to eat.
Yo voy a escribir. = I am going to write.

IMPORTANT: You do not conjugate the second verb.

  • Using the verb "tener"
The verb "tener" means "to have":

tengo       tenemos
tienes       tenéis
tiene        tienen

You use this verb to say what you have, how old you are, and also if you are hungry or thirsty.

Yo tengo una hermana. = I have a sister.
Yo tengo catorce años. = I am 14 years old.
Yo tengo hambre. = I am hungry.
Yo tengo sed. = I am thirsty.

If used in a question:

¿Tienes hambre? = Are you hungry?

4th grade Spanish:
  • Students onstinued with their country project.

miércoles, el siete de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students had their 2.2 vocabulary quiz, and made flash cards for all the words for 2.3. The vocabulary will be divided in 2-3 sections, and quizzed on separately. The first quiz will be the week of March 19th.
3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their city project.

martes, el seis de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students continued working on their restaurant skits.
2.2 Vocabulary quiz is tomorrow.

4th grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their country project.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

lunes, el cinco de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students continued working on a skit on ordering food in a restaurant. I checked the ones finished, and they then worked on making a final copy and began to memorize it.
  • The 2.2 vocab quiz must be taken by this Wednesday.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their city project.

viernes, el dos de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students continued working a skit on ordering food in a restaurant. They will be working on this for the next few weeks.
  • The 2.2 vocab quiz must be taken by next Wednesday.

jueves, el uno de marzo

Spanish I:
  • Students began a skit on ordering food in a restaurant. They will be working on this for the next few weeks.
  • The 2.2 vocab quiz must be taken by next Wednesday.
4th grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their country project.

miércoles, el veintinueve de febrero

Spanish I:
  • Students had their test on unit2.2
  • The  2.2 vocabulary quiz has been moved to next week. It m ust be taken by Wednesday.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their city project.

martes, el veintiocho de febrero

Spanish I:
  • Students finished the review worksheet that they received yesterday. This is due tomorrow.
  • The 2.2 unit test is tomorrow, and the 2.2 vocab quiz is on Friday.
4th grade Spanish:
  • Students continued working on their country project.