Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 27th

Spanish 7

  • went over exercises on "Hay" from last lesson.
  • began new exercises

Spanish I
  • reviewed for chapter test (2.3) this Friday

Study guide
2.3 Examen Study Guide

ü              ALL vocab is fair game!  Make sure that you know everything from past vocabulary tests, even if we rarely used it! Be familiar with the vocabulary on page 167. There will not be a vocab quiz on it,l but you must be able to recognize the words, to understand the words on the test.

ü              Know the verb “ir a + infinitive verb” = to be going to + infinitive verb
Yo voy a…                                    Nosotros vamos a…
Tú vas a…                                     Vosotros vais a…
Él/ella/usted va a…             Ellos/ellas/ustedes van a…
Yo voy a estudiar. = I am going to study.
IMPORTANT: Conjugate the first verb “ir”. Do NOT conjugate the second verb (what you are actually going to be doing)

ü              Know:
     -er verb endings:

-o                   -emos
-es                  -éis
-e                   -en

-ir verb endings:

-o                  -imos
-es                 -ís
-e                  -en

ü              Know the three new irregular verbs
Hacer = to do, to make

hago               hacemos
haces              hacéis
hace               hacen

Conocer = to know

conozco          conocemos
conoces          conocéis
conoce            conocen

Oir - to hear

oigo            oímos
oyes            oís
oye              oyen

ü              Review the past irregular verbs: tener, ir, ser and estar.

ü              Be aware that you use ser for telling time and estar to describe your feelings and your location (where you are right now).


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 26th

Spanish I
  • worked on book exercises: #7 pg 153, #8 pg 154, #12 & 13 pg 156 (due tomorrow)
  • chapter test this Fridayn (no vocab quiz this time, but you must be familiar with the vocab on page 167)
Spanish 8
  • went over last week's worksheet on estar and ir. The final page on using and answering questions must be finished by B day.
Estar = to be
Yo estoy                            Nosotros estamos
Tú estás                             Vosotros estáis
Él/ella/usted está                 Ellos/ellas/ustedes están

Yo estoy en la clase. = I am in the class.

Ir = to go

Yo voy                         Nosotros vamos
Tú vas                          Vosotros vais
Él/Ella/Usted va           Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes van

Yo voy a la clase. = I go to the class.
Yo voy al gimnasio. = I go to the gym.

IMPORTANT: do not use a + el: a + el becomes al

Friday, April 25th

Spanish 7
  • reviewed -ar verbs and pronouns. You will have to know these for the chapter test coming up (no date set yet, but start studying a little every day)
-ar verbs:
-o              -amos
-as             -áis
-a              - an

Singular                     Plural
Yo = I                          Nosotros = we
Tú = you (familiar)        Vosotros = you (only used in Spain)
Él = he                         Ellos = they
Ella = she                     Ellas = they
Usted = you (formal)    Ustedes = you

  • went over Hay = There is/there are
Hay 3 estudiantes. = There are 3 students.
Hay un estudiante. = There is one student.

  • forming questions with Hay: the order of the words doesn't change, but the tone of your voice goes up. Be aware that in English the word order does change.
¿Hay 3 estudiantes? = Are there 3 students?

¿Hay un estudiante = Is there one student?

  • reviewed that adjectives must agree with nouns in gender (masculine/femenine) and number (singular/plural)
¿Qué hay en tu mochila? Hay un libro rojo y una pluma roja. = What is in your backpack. There are a blue book and a red pen.

Thursday, April 21st

Spanish I

  • went over er/ir verb endings
-er verbs

-o                   -emos
-es                  -éis
-e                   -en

-ir verbs

-o                  -imos
-es                 -ís
-e                  -en

  • Yo voy a…                                    Nosotros vamos a…
    Tú vas a…                                     Vosotros vais a…
    Él/ella/usted va a…             Ellos/ellas/ustedes van a…
    Yo voy a estudiar. = I am going to study.
    IMPORTANT: Conjugate the first verb “ir”. Do NOT conjugate the second verb (what you are actually going to be doing)

  • learned three new irregular verbs
Hacer = to do, to make

hago               hacemos
haces              hacéis
hace               hacen

Conocer = to know

conozco          conocemos
conoces          conocéis
conoce            conocen

Oir - to hear

oigo            oímos
oyes            oís
oye              oyen

IMPORTANT: Chapter test this Friday, April 29th. Be familiar with the vocabulary on page 167

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20th

Spanish I:
  • took the vocabulary quiz on Unidad 2, etapa 2. They then made flash cards for Unidad 2, etapa 3 on page 143.
  • the review packet from last week was due on Monday of this week, and some people have not turned it in yet.
  • If you missed part of the class because of the fire/smoke, you will take or finish your test on E day, Tuesday, April 26th.
Spanish 8:
  • took the vocabulary quiz on Unidad 2, etapa 2.
  • They then worked on a worksheet using the verbs "estar" and "ir" and using time. This will be finished next class, during class.
  • If you missed part of the class because of the fire/smoke, you will take or finish your test on E day, Tuesday, April 26th.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18th

Spanish 7:
  • had a vocabulary test on Unidad 2, etapa 1. Retakes can be taken at any lunchtime.
Spanish I:
  • had the chapter test on Unidad 2, etapa 2. Retakes can be taken at any lunchtime.
Spanish I vocabulary test on Unidad 2, etapa 3 will be on Wednesday, April 21st.

Friday, April 15th

Spanish 8:
  • reviewed telling time and the verb "ir" to go
  • went over the verb "estar" = to be, and the fact that it is used to describe your location
Estar = to be
Yo estoy                            Nosotros estamos
Tú estás                             Vosotros estáis
Él/ella/usted está                 Ellos/ellas/ustedes están

Yo estoy en la clase. = I am in the class.

Ir = to go

Yo voy                         Nosotros vamos
Tú vas                          Vosotros vais
Él/Ella/Usted va           Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes van

Yo voy a la clase. = I go to the class.
Yo voy al gimnasio. = I go to the gym.

IMPORTANT: do not use a + el: a + el becomes al

Spanish I:

  • went over the review worksheet for the chapter test on Monday.
Spanish I/Spanish 8 have a vocab test on Wednesday, April 21st.

Thursday, April 14th

Spanish 7:
  •  finished watching the movie Sweet Fifteen.
  • studied flashcards for vocabulary test next week

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday, April 13th

Spanish 7: finished watching the movie "Sweet 15"

Vocabulary test has been moved to the next C day, Thursday April 21st

Spanish 7 students who have Spanish on F days:
Vocabulary test has been moved to the next F day, Thursday April 18th

Tuesday, April 12th

Spanish I: started a review worksheet (due Monday, April 18th)
Vocabulary test for 2.2 has been moved to Wednesday, April 20th
2.2 Chapter test on Monday, April 18

Spanish 8:
Vocabulary test for 2.2 has been moved to Wednesday, April 20th

Began new chapter 2.2

  • The verb "ir" = to go:
Yo voy                       Nosotros vamos
Tú vas                        Vosotros vais
Él/ella/usted va           Ellos/ellas/ustedes van

¿Adónde vas? = (to) where are you going?
Voy a la clase. = I am going to the class.
Voy al gimnasio. = I am going to the gymnasium.

IMPORTANT:  'a '+ 'él' changes into "al"

  • Telling time
¿Qué hora es? = What time is it?

1:00 Es la una. = It is one o'clock.                
1:15 Es la una y quince/cuarto. = It is one fifteen/ a quarter past one.
1:30 Es la una y treinta/media. = It is one thirty/half past one.
12:45 Son las doce y cuarenta y cinco./Es la una menos quince/cuarto. = It is twelve forty five./It is a quarter to one.
1:45 Es la una y cuarenta y cinco./Son las dos menos quince/cuarto. = It is one forty five./It is a quarter to two.
2:00-12:00 Son las dos.
2:05 = Son las dos y cinco.

¿A qué hora es...? = At what time is...?
a la una = at one o'clock
a las dos = at two o'clock

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday. April 11th

All vocabulary tests will be moved to new days:

  • Spanish 7 vocab test will be the next C or F day: April 21st or April 18th
  • Spanish 8 vocab test will the next B day: Wednesday, April 20th
  • Spanish I vocab test will be the next B day: Wednesday, April 20th

Pleaswe come see me to get a vocab sheet if you lost yours.

VERY IMPORTANT: check your grade on family access, and come see me if you are missing work.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday April 1st

Spanish I, 7 and 8: check your test and term grades on family access this Monday, and if you want to retake a test or turn in missing work, you can do it on Monday April 11th at lunchtime :-) Happy beak!!