Wednesday, September 28, 2011

miércoles, el veintiocho de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • had a quiz on 1.1 words. This can be retaken at any lunch time (as many times as desired).
  • began flash cards on 1.2 (pg 69). This quiz will not be for a couple of weeks, but it is best to start practicing them every day. Flash cards are due by next Wednesday.
Midterm grades will be coming up soon. Please take quiz retakes and turn in missing work as soon as possible, if you want to improve your grade.

There is no homework due to the holiday weekend. Next week we will begin Unidad 1, Etapa 1.

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • began writing a small skit, using the greetings words we are learning.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

martes, el veintisiete de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • finished a listening comprehension exercise
  • took a practice quiz for the vocabulary quiz tomorrow
  • practiced the words not known.
Vocabulary quiz tomorrow on words on pg 47

The midterm progress report is coming up next week. All retakes should be taken by this Monday if you want your grade to improve.

4th grade Spanish:
  • Students began writing a skit on greetings. They will memorize the words and act them out within the next few weeks.

Monday, September 26, 2011

lunes, el veintiseis de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • We went over the work sheet that was due today.
  • We had another listening activity.
Vocab quiz (pg 47) this Wednesday

3rd grade Spanish:
  • went over the greetings vocabulary
  • finished flash cards
  • tested each other using the flash cards.

viernes, el 23 de septiembre

Spanish I:

  • Students had their first listening activity, writing down names of people and countries and phone numbers.
  • Students continued working on the worksheets handed out yesterday, which are duw on Monday.
Vocabulary quiz (pg 47) next Wednesday.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

jueves, el veintidos de septiembre

Spanish I:
Students went over pages 10-19 in the textbook and answered questions out loud. They began a worksheet that is due on Monday, Sept 26th. This is not to be done for homework tonight. Tomorrow we will do the listening activities in class.
The vocabulary quiz on pg 47 will be next Wednesday, September 28th. Students received a vocabulary sheet for this today, and the flashcards for this unit are due tomorrow (they must be done BEFORE they walk into class).

4th grade Spanish:
We reviewed the basic greetigns again, and students either finished their flash cards, or practiced them in small groups.
You can see the vocabulary by clicking below:

miércoles, el veintiuno de septiembre

Spanish I:
Students went over the work sheet on greetings assigned yesterday. If this was not completed, they worked on it on their own and were marked down 5 points. Homework must be done by the day it is due, or they will lose points. Work will not be accepted if it is more than a week late.
Students had class time to finish their flashcards from pg 47, and to practice them, or work on their skits.

3rd grade Spanish:
There was no Spanish class today because of the Peace Parade.

Spanish I reminders:
Flash cards on page 47 are due by this Friday

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

martes, el veinte de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students had an oral test on the Spanish alphabet. This can be retaken as many times as desired at lunch time only.
  • We went over vocabulary from the first vocabulary quiz on the Etapa preliminar, and worked on some exercises.
  • packet on Etapa Preliminar chapter (using exercises from pages 2-20, and vocabulary from page 21. This homework is due by tomorrow 9and you have one week to turn it before it will not be accepted.)
  • flashcards from Unidad 1, Etapa 1 (page 47) must be done by this Friday and shown to me, or they will considered late, and you will not get a grade for them. Remember to make flashcards from the words on page 47, NOT from the sheet I gave you (since that one has extra words that I will not test you on). The vocab quiz on these words will be in a few weeks, but I suggest you start studying them a little every night.
4th grade Spanish:
  • We made flash cards on the basic greetings words we went over last week. These words can be found by clicking on

lunes, el diecinueve de septiembre

Señora Roth is home today, with a foot injury.

Class work today:
Spanish I: write a conversation skit in Spanish, using vocabulary from pages 21 and 47. This is not due tomorrow, and you will have more class time to work on it.

3rd grade Spanish: make flash cards on the basic greetings we went over in class last week.
Greetings vocabulary can be found by clicking on:

Reminders: Alphabet quiz on the alphabet tomorrow. Retakes on first vocab quiz can be taken at any lunch time this week.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

jueves, el quince de septiembre

Spanish I:
  • Students had their first quiz on the vocabulary from Etapa Preliminar. They will be allowed to retake this at any lunch time of their choice, and I will keep their best grade.
  • When finished with the quiz, they either practiced their flash cards for the alphabet quiz on Tuesday, Sept 20th, or they began to make flashcards for the next unit.
Click below to see the alphabet pronunciation sheet:

4th grade Spanish:
  • Students reviewed some basic greetings they have learned in the past, and learned some new ones. They received a handout on these words, and we practiced saying them.
Click on the link below to see the basic greetings vocabulary list:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

miércoles, el catorce de septiembre

  • Spanish I: Students learned the alphabet in Spanish, and made flash cards. they will have a quiz on the alphabet sounds on Tuesday, Sept. 20th
Click below to see the alphabet sounds:

  • 3rd grade Spanish: Reviewed basic greetings and received a vocabulary sheet
Click below to see the basic greetings:

Quiz reminders:
Spanish I:
Vocabulary quiz on Etapa Preliminar tomorrow.
Alphabet sounds quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 20th

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

martes, el trece de septiembre

  • Students in Spanish I finished their maps, and studied for the vocab quiz on Thursday, Sept 15th
  • Students in 4th grade colored maps of Spanish-speaking countries, and saw the countries on a big world map on the white board.
Quiz reminder:
Vocab quiz on Etapa Preliminar on Thursday, Sept 15th.

lunes, el doce de septiembre

Señora Roth was absent today :-(

  • Students in Spanish I labeled the capitals of all Spanish-speaking countries and colored them.
  • Students in 3rd grade colored the maps of Spanish-speaking countries.
Quiz reminder:
Quiz on vocabualry from Etapa Preliminar on Thursday, Sept 15th.

Friday, September 9, 2011

viernes, el 9 de septiembre

Viernes, el 9 de septiembre

¡Hola clase y padres!

We have been busy this week in our Spanish classes.

Elementary classes:
We went over rules and expecations, and received and decorated our Spanish folders (which should be kept at school). Next week we will begin a quick review of basic greetings and introductions. The vocabulary sheets will be up next week on my Berkley website:

Spanish I:

We went over Spanish I expectations for the year. Students received several vocabulary worksheets already. These can be found on my Berkley website:
  • Spanish calendar vocabulary
  • Etapa Preliminar (preliminary chapter in the textbook)
Click below to see the vocabulary sheets

They also received a sheet on how to type accent marks, punctuation marks, and Spanish letters like the ñ.

  • Students made flash cards for the Etapa Preliminar words. They will have a quiz on these words next Thursday, September 15th. the quiz will consist of up to 40 words written in English, and they must write the words in Spanish. Points will be taken off for spelling mistakes, missing accent marks, and punctuation mistakes.
  • Students practiced the vocabulary words to see which ones they knew and which ones they need to study.
  • Starting today Friday, September 9th: Students will write the complete date for one full week, ending next Friday, September 16th. This will be due Sept 16th, and will be worth 50 points.
  • Vocabulary quiz on the fist 40 words of Etapa Preliminar vocabulary.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hola and welcome to a new year!!

This year I am teaching 5 sections of Spanish I. All of our 8th graders at Norup should be in this class. You will have Spanish every day all year.

I will also be teaching Spanish to one 3rd grade class (Ms. Hollerbach's) and one 4th grade (Mrs. Karas'). I am looking forward to a brand new year here!!