Friday, December 21, 2012

viernes, el veintiuno de diciembre

Spanish I:
  • Students worked on their comicstrips on the computers at Avery. We used one of the following websites:
  • There is no due date for the comics yet. Students can choose to draw their comic strip on paper strips, or do it on a comic strip website.
  • Some students went on to practice their 2.1 words for the quiz in January.
  • Quiz on 2.1 (part 2) on Friday, January 4th.
5th Grade Spanish:
  • Students had a pretest on the family words. They will have the test in January after the break.
Family words
El padre = father
La madre = mother
El hermano = brother
La hermana = sister
El abuelo = grandfather
La abuela = grandmother
El tío = uncle
La tía = aunt
El primo = boy cousin
La prima = girl cousin
El hijo = son
La hija = daughter

Thursday, December 20, 2012

jueves, el veinte de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Students began exercises from 2.1, on conjugating "ar" verbs. They did exs #7,8, & 9 on pgas 109-110. These will be due Thursday, January 3rd.

  • Quiz on 2.1 (part 2) on Friday, January 4th.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students had their test on the weather expressions.
  • When they finished, they began flash cards on the days of the week. Their homework is to write what day it is every day, and over the break.
Days of the week:
lunes = Monday
martes = Tuesday
miércoles = Wednesday
jueves = Thursday
viernes = Friday
sábado = Saturday
domingo = Sunday

Hoy es lunes. = Today is Monday.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

miércoles, el diecinueve de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Students continued working on their comic strips. i looked at what they had written and made corrections. Students can choose to draw the comic strip or use clip art. Friday we will be at the lab.
  • Quiz on 2.1 (part 2) on Friday, January 4th.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students worked on their days of the week flash cards and on worksheets on this vocabulary. Their homework is to write what day it is every day, and over the break.
Days of the week:
lunes = Monday
martes = Tuesday
miércoles = Wednesday
jueves = Thursday
viernes = Friday
sábado = Saturday
domingo = Sunday

Hoy es lunes. = Today is Monday.

martes, el dieciocho de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Students began to work on a comic strip about school supplies, animating the supplies, and describing their lives: their names, where they live, what they look like. They can draw the pictures or will be able to use clip art on Friday at the lab.

  • Quiz on 2.1 (part 2) on Friday, January 4th.
3rd grade Spanish:
  • Their test on weather expressions was postponed since I was absent today. They will have their quiz this Thursday.

lunes, el diecisiete de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Students had a vocabulary quiz on 2.1 (part 1). They received the words for the next quiz, 2.1 (part 2) which will be on Friday, January 4th.
  • We went over the review test. Students were able to keep them. they corrected their mistakes.
  • Quiz on 2.1 (part 2) on Friday, January 4th.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students had a quiz on the weather expressions.
  • They made flash cards for the days of the week. These will be on their next quiz.
Days of the week:
lunes = Monday
martes = Tuesday
miércoles = Wednesday
jueves = Thursday
viernes = Friday
sábado = Saturday
domingo = Sunday

Hoy es lunes. = Today is Monday.

Friday, December 14, 2012

viernes, el catorce de diciembre

Spanish I:
  • Students went to the lab at Avery, and used a variety of websites to study for the quiz on Monday.
All due Monday:
  • conjugate the 22 "ar" verbs (some from Unidad 1, etapa 1) and moat from the new 2.1 unit.
  • make one original sentence in Spanish, with each of the 22 verbs, using different pronouns. You may not use the verb "gustar" : "Me gusta bailar" is not an acceptable sentence for this assignment). It must be something like:
                      Yo hablo español.
                      Nosotros escuchamos música.
  • make one original sentence in Spanish with each of the 8 adverbs of frequency that we learned today, making sure you put it in the correct position in the sentence.
  • There will be a vocabulary quiz on 2.1 (part 1- all the adverbs and verbs on pg 121) on Monday, December 17th.

5th Grade Spanish:
  • Students played a match game with the family vocabulary. They will have a test on these words after the December break.
Family words
El padre = father
La madre = mother
El hermano = brother
La hermana = sister
El abuelo = grandfather
La abuela = grandmother
El tío = uncle
La tía = aunt
El primo = boy cousin
La prima = girl cousin
El hijo = son
La hija = daughter

Thursday, December 13, 2012

jueves, el trece de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Students continued with their work from yesterday.

All due Monday:
  • conjugate the 22 "ar" verbs (some from Unidad 1, etapa 1) and moat from the new 2.1 unit.
  • make one original sentence in Spanish, with each of the 22 verbs, using different pronouns. You may not use the verb "gustar" : "Me gusta bailar" is not an acceptable sentence for this assignment). It must be something like:
                      Yo hablo español.
                      Nosotros escuchamos música.
  • make one original sentence in Spanish with each of the 8 adverbs of frequency that we learned today, making sure you put it in the correct position in the sentence.

    • There will be a vocabulary quiz on 2.1 (part 1- all the adverbs and verbs on pg 121) on Monday, December 17th

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students played a match game with the weather expressions. They took the match cards home for more practice, as well as the list of weather expressions. They will have a test on these words on Monday, December 17th.

Hace frío. = It is cold.                        Hace fresco. = It is cool.
Hace calor. = It is hot.                        Hace niebla. = It is foggy.
Hace sol. = It is sunny.                        Está lloviendo. = It is raining.
Hace viento. = It is windy                   Está nevando. = It is snowing.
Hace tormenta. = It is stormy.             Está nublado. = It is cloudy.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

miércoles, el doce de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Today we began the first new chapter of the year, Unidad 2, etapa 1. Students will be quizzed on all the verbs and adverbs in this unit on Monday, December 17th.
  • Students learned about a subject/verb/object structure, what each one means, and what an adverb is, and where to place it in a sentence in Spanish.
  • I stressed the importance of taking good notes, and listening to the new material, and to study it every day to prepare for the unit test on 2.1 (which will be in January, 2013). Students grades dropped if they did badly on the review test, and this will only increase depending on the grades they get on their 2.1 test or their midterm (both in January, 2013).
All due Monday:
  • conjugate the 22 "ar" verbs (some from Unidad 1, etapa 1) and moat from the new 2.1 unit.
  • make one original sentence in Spanish, with each of the 22 verbs, using different pronouns. You may not use the verb "gustar" : "Me gusta bailar" is not an acceptable sentence for this assignment). It must be something like:
                      Yo hablo español.
                      Nosotros escuchamos música.
  • make one original sentence in Spanish with each of the 8 adverbs of frequency that we learned today, making sure you put it in the correct position in the sentence.
Grammar Lesson:

  • We went over grammar structures: subject  verb  object. I explained that the subject is the person (or thing) that does the action, the verb is the action, and the object receives an action.
                          Example : I (subject) teach (verb) Spanish (object)
  • We went over adverbs: tell you how you do something:
                        Example: I speak quickly.
We then went over the 8 adverbs of frequency that tell you how often they do something, and students copied the chart. They learned where the adverb must be placed, or else it is in the wrong order. the order in Spanish is the same as in English: some adverbs go before the verb, some go after the verb, and some go at the beginning or end of a sentence.

 Before the verb: siempre (always), nunca (never), rara vez (rarely)
      Yo siempre estudio. = I always study.

After the verb: mucho (often, or a lot), poco ( a little)
    Yo estudio mucho. = i study a lot.

At the begininning or end of a sentence: a veces (sometimes), de vez en cuando (once in a while), todos los días (every day)
    A veces yo estudio. OR Yo estudio a veces. = Sometimes I study. OR I study sometimes.

    • There will be a vocabulary quiz on 2.1 (part 1- all the adverbs and verbs on pg 121) on Monday, December 17th

3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students played a match game with the weather expressions. They took the match cards home for more practice, as well as the list of weather expressions. They will have a test on these words on Monday, December 17th.

Hace frío. = It is cold.                        Hace fresco. = It is cool.
Hace calor. = It is hot.                        Hace niebla. = It is foggy.
Hace sol. = It is sunny.                        Está lloviendo. = It is raining.
Hace viento. = It is windy                   Está nevando. = It is snowing.
Hace tormenta. = It is stormy.             Está nublado. = It is cloudy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

martes, el once de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Students finished their test today. some students took it for the first time (if they missed Friday last week, or if they had to retake the Explore test yesterday). These students will be able to continue the test tomorrow if needed.
  • Students continued with their practice of the ar verbs. they conjugated all of them, and then wrote original sentences with each verb. This is homework for tomorrow.

  • The next vocabulary quiz is on Monday, December 17th, on all the ar verbs in 2.1 and the 8 adverbs (from "a veces" to "todos los días"). The second part of the quiz will be on all the school vocabulary, and will be after the December break.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • They had a pretest on the weather expressions. Their real test will be on Monday. December 17th. The test will simply be matching the English weather expression with the correct Spanish one. They will be given both sets of sentences, and will only have to draw lines between them.

Hace frío. = It is cold.                        Hace fresco. = It is cool.
Hace calor. = It is hot.                        Hace niebla. = It is foggy.
Hace sol. = It is sunny.                        Está lloviendo. = It is raining.
Hace viento. = It is windy                   Está nevando. = It is snowing.
Hace tormenta. = It is stormy.             Está nublado. = It is cloudy.

lunes, el diez de diciembre

Spanish I:

  • Students had their first test, reviewing all the grammar concepts we have gone over since September, from the Etapa Preliminar and Unidad 1. Some students will finish the test tomorrow. We will go over the test next week, when everyone has taken it.
  • Students who finished the test worked on the new "ar" verbs in unit 2.1. They conjugated all the old ar verbs, and the new ones. This is not homework, and will be finished in class tomorrow.
  • The next vocabulary quiz is on Monday, December 17th, on all the ar verbs in 2.1 and the 8 adverbs (from "a veces" to "todos los días"). The second part of the quiz will be on all the school vocabulary, and will be after the December break.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • They had a pretest on the weather expressions. Their real test will be on Monday. December 17th. The test will simply be matching the English weather expression with the correct Spanish one. They will be given both sets of sentences, and will only have to draw lines between them.

Hace frío. = It is cold.                        Hace fresco. = It is cool.
Hace calor. = It is hot.                        Hace niebla. = It is foggy.
Hace sol. = It is sunny.                        Está lloviendo. = It is raining.
Hace viento. = It is windy                   Está nevando. = It is snowing.
Hace tormenta. = It is stormy.             Está nublado. = It is cloudy.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Questions and Answers for the test

Essential Spanish I Questions for the first test

You must know how to answer the following questions, in both oral and written form:

  1. ¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?

Me llamo… (insert your name: e.g. Me llamo Ana.)

  1. ¿Cómo estás? = How are you?

Estoy… (insert feeling: – e.g. Estoy bien, mal, etc)

  1. ¿Cómo eres? = What kind of person are you?

Soy… y … (add two adjectives: one for your looks and one for your personality: e.g. Soy alto y inteligente.)

  1. ¿Cómo es tu mejor amigo(a)? = What kind of person is your best friend like?

Mi mejor amigo(a) es…  y … (add two adjectives: one for his/her looks and one for his/her personality: e.g. Es alto y inteligente)

  1. ¿De dónde eres? = Where are you from?

Soy de… (add city or state or country: e.g. Soy de Michigan).

  1. ¿Cuál es tu teléfono? = What is your phone number?

Mi teléfono es … (add your numbe. Write them in Spanish).

  1. ¿Qué día es hoy? = What is today?

Hoy es… (add the day of the week: e.g. Hoy es lunes).

  1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer? = What do you like to do?

Me gusta … y … (add two verbs of things you like to do: e.g. Me gusta bailar y cantar.)

  1. ¿Dónde vives? = Where do you live?

Vivo en … (add city: e.g. Vivo en Oak Park).

  1. ¿Qué llevas hoy? = What are you wearing today?

           Llevo … y … (add two clothing items: Llevo una camisa y unos pantalones).

  1. ¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?

Tengo… años. (add your age: e.g. Tengo trece años).

  1. ¿Cuál es la fecha? = What is today’s date?

Hoy es el… de… (Add day and month: e.g. Hoy es viernes, el dieciséis de noviembre).

Verb Practice

Text Box: Nombre:

Answers are at the end of this practice sheet:

School ID: 65796
Verbo: ser                                         Traducción:


Él, ella, Usted .
Ellos, ellas, Ustedes

Verbo: estar                                      Traducción:


Él, ella, Usted.
Ellos, ellas, Ustedes.

Verbo: tener                                     Traducción:


Él, ella, Usted.f
Ellos, ellas, Ustedes.

Verbo: gustar                                   Traducción:


Él, ella, Usted.
Ellos, ellas, Ustedes.

Verbo: llevar                                     Traducción:


Él, ella, Usted.
Ellos, ellas, Ustedes.

Verbo: vivir                                       Traducción:


Él, ella, Usted.
Ellos, ellas, Ustedes.

Verbo: trabajar                                             Traducción:


Él, ella, Usted.
Ellos, ellas, Ustedes.

ser = to be
soy      somos
eres     sois
es        son

estar = to be
estoy     estamos
estás     estáis
está      están

tener = to have
tengo     tenemos
tienes     tenéis
tiene       tienen

gustar = to like
me gusta      nos gusta
te gusta        os gusta
le gusta        les gusta

trabajar = to work
trabajo      trabajamos
trabajas     trabajáis
trabaja       trabajan

llevar = to wear
llevo     llevamos
llevas    lleváis
lleva     llevan

vivir = to live
vivo     vivimos
vives    vivís
vive     viven

Unidad 1, Etapa 3

Review Unidad 1, Etapa 3

Part 1. Answer the following questions

1.¿Cuál es la fecha?

2 ¿Cuántos años tienes?

Part 2 fill in the verb chart

Tener =

Part 3 Write the relationship between the family below:

                                         Enrique - Dolores
                              Jesús - Rosa
      Nuria - Benito
                            Quique  Helena

1. Nuria __________________________________________ Paquita.

2. Benito _________________________________________ Paquita.

3. Quique ________________________________________ Paquita.

4. Enrique y Dolores __________________________________________ Paquita.

5. Helena __________________________________________ Paquita.

6. Jesús y Rosa __________________________________________ Paquita.

7. Paquita __________________________________________ de Benito y Nuria.

8. Quique __________________________________________ de Helena.

9. Quique y Helena ________________________________________de Jesús y Rosa.

Part 4 Translate the following sentences. Use the word box below:

La camisa
El sombrero
Los pantalones
El vestido
La falda
La chaqueta
La blusa
El suéter

1. It is Juan's shirt.

2. It is Ana's jacket.

3. It is Rosa's shirt.

4. It is Pedro's hat.

5. They are Diego's pants.

Part 5 Fill in the chart on possessive adjectives

Possessive adjectives





Your (familiar, singular)

Your (familiar, plural)

Your (formal, singular)

Your (formal, plural)

Part 6 Fill in the correct possessive adjective

Tomás y Juan son _________ hijos. (my)

Nuria es _________________ abuela. (their)

Ana y Pedro  son ______________ hermanos. (our)

María es ______________ madre. (your - informal, singular)

Dolores y Enrique son ____________  padres. (your - informal, plural)

Jesús y Rosa son ________________ primos.  (your - formal, singular)

Quique y Helena _________________ hijos. (your - formal, plural)

Part 1. Answer the following questions

1. ¿Qué llevas hoy? Llevo una camisa y unos pantalones.

2 ¿Cuál es la fecha? Hoy es lunes, el diez de diciembre.

3 ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo trece/catorce años.

Part 2 fill in the verb chart

Tener = To have


Part 3 Write the relationship between the family below:

                                         Enrique - Dolores
                              Jesús - Rosa
      Nuria - Benito
                            Quique  Helena

1. Nuria _es la madre de_____________________________Paquita.

2. Benito ___es el padre de__________________________ Paquita.

3. Quique ___es el primo de__________________________ Paquita.

4. Enrique y Dolores ___son los abuelos_________________Paquita.

5. Helena ____es la prima de______________________________Paquita.

6. Jesús y Rosa ___son los tíos de_________________________Paquita.

7. Paquita ____es la hija de_______________________________Benito y Nuria.

8. Quique ____es el hermano de___________________________Helena.

9. Quique y Helena ____son los hijos de_____________________ Jesús y Rosa.

Part 4 Translate the following sentences. Use the word box below:

La camisa
El sombrero
Los pantalones
El vestido
La falda
La chaqueta
La blusa
El suéter

1. It is Juan's shirt. Es la camisa de Juan.

2. It is Ana's jacket.   Es la chaqueta de Ana.

3. It is Rosa's shirt. Es la camisa de Rosa.

4. It is Pedro's hat. Es el sombrero de Pedro.

5. They are Diego's pants. Son los pantalones de Diego.

Part 5 Fill in the chart on possessive adjectives

Possessive adjectives




Your (familiar, singular)

Your (familiar, plural)
Your (formal, singular)
Your (formal, plural)

Part 6 Fill in the correct possessive adjective

Tomás y Juan son ___mis______ hijos. (my)

Nuria es _____su____________ abuela. (their)

Ana y Pedro  son ___nuestros___________ hermanos. (our)

María es ___tu___________ madre. (your - informal, singular)

Dolores y Enrique son ____vuestros________  padres. (your - informal, plural)

Jesús y Rosa son ___sus_____________ primos.  (your - formal, singular)

Quique y Helena ___sus______________ hijos. (your - formal, plural)