- Spanish I have their chapter test tomorrow F day. For review study guide, check Monday, march 7th's blog.
- Spanish 8 have their chapter test on the next E day, March 23rd. They will review the material on the next B day, March 17th.
Spanish 8
2.1 Examen Study Guide
2.1 Examen Study Guide
ü ALL vocab is fair game! Make sure that you know everything in your 2.1 vocab, even if we rarely used it!
ü Know your AR verb conjugation !
o Find the stem, then add:
o –o -amos
o –as -áis
o –a -an
Hablar: The stem is "habl"
hablo hablamos
hablas habláis
hablan hablan
ü Know how to use tener que + infinitive and hay que + infinitive
1) Using "Hay que":
Hay que stays the same and is an impersonal expression meaning "One must".
The second verb stays in the infinitive and is not conjugated.
Hay que estudiar. = One must study.
2) Using "Tener que":
You must conjugate "tener' depending on who the subject of the sentence is.
The second verb stays in the infinitive and is not conjugated.
Tengo que estudiar. = I must study.
Tenemos que estudiar. = We must study.
ü Know your adverbs of frequency!
You must know if the adverbs go before or after the verb, or if they go at the beginning or end of the sentence.
Before the verb:
nunca: Yo nunca hablo español.
siempre: Yo siempre hablo español.
rara vez: Yo rara vez hablo español.
After the verb:
mucho: Yo hablo mucho.
poco: Yo hablo poco.
At the beginning or end of the sentence:
A veces: A veces yo hablo español. Yo hablo español a veces.
De vez en cuando: De vez en cuando yo hablo español. Yo hablo español de vez en cuando.
Todos los días: Todos los días yo hablo español. Yo hablo español todos los días.
Spanish 7:
tú tienes vosotros tenéis
él/ella/usted tiene ellos/ellas ustedes tienen
Ana's dog = El perro de Ana (The dog of Ana)
Juan's sister = La hermana de Juan (The sister of Juan)
tú = you tu = your
él = he su = his
ella = she su = her
usted = you su = your
nosotros = we nuestro = our
vosotros = you (y'all) vuestro = your
ellos = they su = their
ellas = they su = their
ustedes = you (y'all) su = your
Yo tengo un perro. Es mi perro. = I have a dog. It is my dog.
Important: there is no word for "it" in Spanish. You just leave it out. Es = It is
Spanish 7:
- reviewed the verb tener and how to conjugate it
tú tienes vosotros tenéis
él/ella/usted tiene ellos/ellas ustedes tienen
- learned how to use possessives sentences in Spanish.
Ana's dog = El perro de Ana (The dog of Ana)
Juan's sister = La hermana de Juan (The sister of Juan)
- subject pronouns possessive adjectives
tú = you tu = your
él = he su = his
ella = she su = her
usted = you su = your
nosotros = we nuestro = our
vosotros = you (y'all) vuestro = your
ellos = they su = their
ellas = they su = their
ustedes = you (y'all) su = your
Yo tengo un perro. Es mi perro. = I have a dog. It is my dog.
Important: there is no word for "it" in Spanish. You just leave it out. Es = It is
Spanish 7
- All Spanish 7 sections have a chapter test on D day (March 21st). Use the study guide below to review. The two Spanish 7 sections who have class on F day will review the material today. The other 3 Spanish 7 sections will review the material on C day, and then will have their test the next day.
- The review study guide is posted below.
7 th Grade Study Guide
Unidad 1, etapa 3
I. You must know how to conjugate the verb tener (see the table below)
The verb “tener” = to have
Yo tengo = I have | Nosotros tenemos = We have |
Tú tienes = You have (familiar you) | Vosotros tenéis = You have (familiar you all) |
Él/ella/ tiene =He/she has Usted tiene = You have (formal you) | Ellos/as/ tienen = They have Ustedes tienen = You have (formal you all) |
- When you have a person’s name or job or relationship to you in front of the verb, if there is only one person, use the “él/ella” form of the verb.
José ___tiene______ un perro. (José = he or él)
Sara ____ tiene _______ un perro. (Sara = she or ella)
El doctor __ tiene _______ un perro (El doctor = he or él)
Mi hermana __ tiene _____un perro. (Mi hermana = she or ella)
El perro _____ tiene _____una cola. (An animal = he/she or él/ella)
- When you have more than one person’s name or job or relationship to you in front of the verb, use the “ellos” form of the verb.
José y Sara ___tienen______ un perro. (José y Sara = they or ellos)
Los doctores __ tienen ______un perro.(los doctores = they or ellos)
Mis hermanas__ tienen ____un perro.(mis hermanas = they or ellas)
- When you have one or more people plus yourself, use the “nosotros” form of the verb.
José y yo ____tenemos_______ un perro. (José y yo = we or nosotros)
- When you have one or more people plus the pronoun “you”, use either the “vosotros” or the “ustedes” form of the verb.
José y tú ___tenéis/tienen____un perro. (José y tú = you all or vosotros/ustedes)
You will exercises like the ones above, in which you have to choose the correct form of the verb.
II. You must know the possessive adjectives. See the table below.
Possessive adjectives
(yo=I) | mi = my | mis = my |
(tu=you, familiar) | tu =your | tus =your |
(él/ella/usted) (he/she/you,formal) | su= his/her/your | sus = his/her/your |
(nosotros/as=we) | nuestro/nuestra = our | nuestros/nuestras = our |
(vosotros/as=you,familiar) | vuestro/vuestra = your | vuestros/vuestras= your |
(ellos/as/ustedes) (they/you,formal) | su = their/your | sus = their/your |
1) The possessive adjective you use, depends on how many things you own, and if it is a masculine or feminine word. It does NOT depend on WHO owns it. See examples below.
Es mi perro. = It is my dog.
Son mis perros. = They are my dogs.
2) There is no apostrophe in Spanish!!! You need to change the order of the words.
Es la camisa de Juan. = It is Juan’s shirt.
Son las camisas de Juan. = They are Juan’s shirts.
Es el vestido de Ana. = It is Ana’s dress.
Son los vestidos de Ana. = They are Ana’s dresses.
III. You must know how to write the date.
Hoy es lunes, el 21 de marzo. = Today is Monday, March 21st.
IV. You must know how to write sentences about birthdays.
Mi cumpleaños es el 13 de marzo. = My birthday is March 13th.
El cumpleaños de Señora Roth es el 13 de marzo. = Señora Roth’s birthday is March 13th.
V. You must know how to answer the following questions.
1) ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? = When is your birthday?
Mi cumpleaños es el ____ de _____. = My birthday is _______.
(Learn how to write YOUR birthday)
2) ¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo _____ años. = I am _____ years old.
(Learn how to write the number for YOUR age)
3) ¿Cuál es la fecha? = What is the date?
Hoy es lunes, el 21 de marzo.
(Learn how to write this date, which is the date of your test)
4) ¿De quién es…? = Whose is…?
Es de… = It is…
Son de… = They are…
¿De quién es la chaqueta? Es de Ana. = Whose jacket is this? It is Ana’s jacket.
¿De quién son los zapatos? Son de Ana. = Whose shoes are these? They are Ana’s shoes.
VI. You must know how to write sentences about family relationships, using a family tree. So know you family vocabulary.
María y Juan son los padres de Rosa. = María and Juan are the parents of Rosa .
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