Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Study Guide
Spanish I
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo… = My name is…
¿Cómo se llama? = What is his/her name?
Se llama… = His/Her name is…
¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
Estoy… = I am…
¿Cómo está usted? = How are you?
¿Qué tal? = How is it going?
¿De dónde eres? = Where are you from?
Soy de… = I am from…
¿De dónde es? = Where is he/she from?
Es de… = He/She is from…
¿Cuál es tu teléfono? = What is your phone number?
¿Qué día es hoy? = What day is today?
Hoy es… = Today is…
Mañana es… = Tomorrow is…
¿Te gusta? = Do you like…?
¿Le gusta? = Does he/she like…?
Me gusta… = I like…
Te gusta… = You like…
Le gusta… = He/She likes…
Using the verb gustar:
¿Qué te gusta hacer? = what do you like to do?
Me gusta + verb = I like + verb:
Example: Me gusta leer. = I like to read.
Using the verb vivir:
Vivo en … = I live in…
Vive en… = He/She lives in…
Examples: Vivo en un apartamento. = I live in an apartment.
Ella vive en una casa. = She lives in a house.
Singular Plural
yo = I nosotros = we
tú = you (familiar) vosotros = you (familiar - only used in
él = he ellos = they
ella = she ellas = they
usted = you (formal) ustedes = you
Familiar you versus formal you:
Use “tú” and “vosotros” to be familiar: with people you know, friends, and family.
Use “usted” and “ustedes” to be formal: with older people you do not know, to show respect and politeness, or with someone in a position of authority.
Important: “Vosotros” is only used in
Ser = To be
Yo soy Nosotros somos
Tú eres Vosotros sois
Él es Ellos son
Ella es Ellas son
Usted es Ustedes son
Examples: Yo soy maestro. = I am a teacher.
Tú eres estudiante. = You are a student.
Unidad 1, Etapa 2 Study Guide Spanish I
You must know the following grammar rules below.
A. Agreement
All nouns and adjectives must agree in:
1. gender: masculine (m) or feminine (f)
Most nouns that end in “o” are masculine and most nouns that end in “a” are
feminine. There are exceptions (el día, la mano).
“El” is used for masculine nouns and “la” is used for feminine nouns.
2. number: singular (s) or plural (pl)
Singular is for one thing, plural is for more than one thing.
El chico es alto. (m/s) La chica es alta. (f/s)
Los chicos son altos. (m/pl) Las chicas son altas. (f/pl)
B. Definite articles: “The”

3. la = feminine, singular
4. las = feminine, plural
El chico = The boy (m/s) Los chicos = The boys. (m/pl)
La chica = The girl (f/s) Las chicas = The girls (f/pl)
C. Indefinite articles: “a/an/one” and “some”
1. un = masculine, singular means “a/an/one”
2. unos = masculine, plural means “some”
3. una = feminine, singular means “a/an/one”
4. unas = feminine, plural means “some”
Un chico = A boy Unos chicos = Some boys
Una chica = a girl Unas chicas = Some girls
D. Making nouns plural
1. nouns that end in a vowel: add –s
el libro = the book los libros = the books
la camisa = the shirt las camisas = the shirts
2. nouns that end in a consonant: add –es
el calcetín = the sock los calcetines = the socks (Note that the accent goes away in “calcetines”
3. nouns that end in –z: change –z to –c and add –es
el lápiz = the pencil los lápices = the pencils
4. nouns that end in –as, -es, -is, -os: do not change; only the article is made plural
el lunes = Monday los lunes = Mondays
E. Using the verb “ser”:To be
You need to use the verb “ser” to describe yourself or someone else.
Yo soy = I am Nosotros somos = We are
Tú eres = You are Vosotros sois = You are
Él/Ella/Usted es He/She is Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes son = They/You are
You are
IMPORTANT: Make sure the adjective you use agrees with the noun in gender (masculine/feminine) and in number (singular/plural)
Yo soy baja. = I am short.
Nosotros somos inteligentes y divertidos. = We are intelligent and fun.
F Using the verb “llevar”: to wear
You need to use the verb llevar to say what you are wearing. You must also use un,una,unos, or unas with the article of clothing NOT el,la,los,or las, unless you are being specific about what you are wearing. If you are asked what you are wearing today, use un,una,unos, or unas.
¿Qué llevas? = What are you wearing?
Llevo una camisa rosada y unos pantalones negros. = I am wearing a pink shirt and black pants.
Unidad 1, Etapa 3 Study Guide
You must know all past vocabulary from pgs 21, 47, 69, and 93.
Grammar: You must know:
1) How to describe family relationships, using a family tree.
Pablo es el padre de Manuel. = Pablo is the father of Manuel.
You must know all the family words from the vocabulary sheet.
Father = el padre
Mother = la madre
Sister/brother = el hermano/la hermana
Son/daughter = el hijo/la hija
grandfather/grandmother = el abuelo/la abuela
Aunt/uncle = el tío/la tía
Cousin = el primo/la prima
2) How to use possessive adjectives:
You must know all the possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, their, our) from the vocabulary sheet.
My = mi/mis
Your = tu/tus
His/her/your/their = su/sus
Our = nuestro/nuestra/nuestros/nuestras
Your = vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras
Es nuestra madre. = It is our mother.
Shawn es mi hijo. = Shawn is my son.
Nuría es nuestra abuela. = Nuría is our grandmother.The shirt is Juan’s. It is his shirt. = La camisa es de Juan. Es su camisa.
3) How to conjugate the verb tener = to have
Yo tengo Nosotros tenemos
Tú tienes Vosotros tenéis
Él/ella/usted tiene Ellos/ellas/ustedes tienen
Ella tiene una hermana. = She has a sister.
Nosotros tenemos un perro. = We have a dog.
4) How to say someone’s age and when it is someone’s birthday.
Ana tiene 10 años. = Ana is 10 years old.
Ellos tienen 12 años. = They are 12 years old.
El cumpleaños de Ana es el dos de mayo. = Ana’s birthday is May 2nd.
5) How to give today’s date.
Hoy es miércoles, el nueve de febrero. = today is Wednesday, February 9th.
2.1 Examen Study Guide
ü ALL vocab is fair game! Make sure that you know everything in your 2.1 vocab, even if we rarely used it!
ü Know your AR verb conjugation !
o Find the stem, then add:
o –o -amos
o –as -áis
o –a -an
Hablar: The stem is "habl"
hablo hablamos
hablas habláis
habla hablan
ü Know how to use tener que + infinitive and hay que + infinitive
1) Using "Hay que":
Hay que stays the same and is an impersonal expression meaning "One must".
The second verb stays in the infinitive and is not conjugated.
Ex. Hay que estudiar. = One must study.
2) Using "Tener que":
You must conjugate "tener' depending on who the subject of the sentence is.
The second verb stays in the infinitive and is not conjugated.
Tengo que estudiar. = I must study.
Tenemos que estudiar. = We must study.
3) Know how to conjugate “tener” = To have
tengo tenemos
tienes tenéis
tiene tienen
ü Know your adverbs of frequency!
You must know if the adverbs go before or after the verb, or if they go at the beginning or end of the sentence.
Before the verb:
nunca (never): Yo nunca hablo español.
siempre (always): Yo siempre hablo español.
rara vez (rarely): Yo rara vez hablo español.
After the verb:
mucho (often/a lot): Yo hablo mucho.
poco (a little) : Yo hablo poco.
At the beginning or end of the sentence:
A veces(sometimes): A veces yo hablo español. Yo hablo español a veces.
De vez en cuando(once in a while): De vez en cuando yo hablo español. Yo hablo español de vez en cuando.
Todos los días(every day): Todos los días yo hablo español. Yo hablo español todos los días.
1) ¿Con qué frecuencia estudias? = How often do you study?
Yo estudio todos los días. = I study every day.
2) ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita? = What is your favorite class?
Mi clase favorita es la clase de español. = My favorite class is Spanish.
3) ¿Cómo es la clase de español? = What is Spanish class like?
La clase de español es interesante. = Spanish class is interesting.
4) ¿Qué necesitas para la clase de español? = What do you need for Spanish class?
Necesito un lápiz y un papel. = I need a pencil and a paper.
5) Siempre o nunca llegas tarde a la clase de español? = Do you always or never arrive late to Spanish class?
Yo siempre/nunca llego tarde. = I always/never arrive late.
6) ¿Qué hay que hacer para sacar una buena nota en la clase de español? = What must one do to get a good grade in Spanish?
Hay que estudiar, escuchar, preparar la tarea, y escribir notas. = One must study, listen, prepare homework, and write notes.
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