All Spanish 8 (and Spanish I) reviewed the material in Unidad 1, etapa 3:
- family relationships
Ana es la madre de Francisco. = Ana is Francisco's mother. (Ana is the mother of Francisco)
- pronouns
Yo = I Nosotros (as) = We
Tú = you (familiar) Vosotros (as) = You (familiar, only used in Spain)
Él = He Ellos = They
Ella = She Ellas = They (only girls)
Usted = You (formal) Ustedes = You (formal in Spain, formal and familiar in other Spanish-speaking
- the verb "tener" = to have
Tú tienes Vosotros tenéis
Él/Ella/Usted tiene Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tienen
- possessive pronouns
Tu(s) = your (goes with "tú") vuestro/a (oas/as) = your (goes with "vosotros")
Su = his/her su(s) = their
your (goes with "usted") your (goes with "ustedes")
- how to make the adjective agree with the noun it describes.
Mi libro es rojo. Mis libros son rojos.
Su libro es azul. Sus libros son azules.
Mi casa es roja. Mis casa son rojas.
Su casa es azul. Sus casas son azules.
There will be a chapter test on all the material covered today (not next Spanish lesson, but the one after that).
Students spent class time working on exercises in the book. This is not homework, and will be finished during the next Spanish lesson.
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