Study Guide for Term final
7th Grade
You will have a end of term test on the following questions, answers and vocabulary. You will have to know how to spell the words, and answer the questions correctly.
Etapa Preliminar
You will have to know how to greet someone:
Know the following words:
Good morning = Buenos días
Good afternoon = Buenas tardes
Good night = Buenas noches
Hello = Hola
Good bye = Adiós
See you later = Hasta luego.
See you tomorrow = Hasta mañana
You will have to answer the following questions:
What is your name? = ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is… = Me llamo...
What is his or her name? = ¿Cómo se llama?
His/her name is… = Se llama...
What is today’s date? = ¿Qué fecha es hoy?
Today is Thursday, January 6th. = Hoy es jueves, el seis de enero.
Where are you from? = ¿De dónde eres?
I am from… = Soy de...
Where is he or she from? = ¿De dónde es?
He/she is from... = Él/Ella es de...
He/she is from... = Él/Ella es de...
Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 21 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)
Etapa 1
You will have to answer the following questions:
How are you? (familiar) = ¿Cómo estás?
How are you? (formal) = ¿Cómo está usted?
How is she/he? = ¿Cómo está?
How is she/he? = ¿Cómo está?
I am… (fine, bad, so-so) = Estoy... (bien, mal, así, así)
He is/she is… (fine, bad, so-so) = Él/Ella está... (bien, mal, así, así)
What do you like? = ¿Qué te gusta?
What do you like? = ¿Qué te gusta?
I like… = Me gusta... (learn one thing or verb to go with this)
What does he/she like? = ¿Qué le gusta?
What does he/she like? = ¿Qué le gusta?
You like… Te gusta...
He/she likes… Le gusta... (learn one thing or verb to go with this)
Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 51 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)
Etapa 2
You will have to answer the following questions:
What are you like? = ¿Cómo eres?
I am… = Soy... (learn two adjectives to describe yourself)
What is he/she like? = ¿Cómo es?
He/she is… = Él/Ella es... (learn two adjectives to describesomeone)
What color…? = ¿Qué color es...?
What are you wearing? = ¿Qué llevas?
I am wearing… = Llevo... (learn how to say something you are wearing)
What is he/she wearing? = ¿Qué lleva?
He/she is wearing… = Él/Ella lleva... (learn how to say something someone is wearing)
You will have to be able to describe yourself:
hair color, eye color, looks and personality
My hair is... = Tengo el pelo
blond = rubio
brown = marrón
black = negro
red = pelirrojo
My eyes are... = Tengo los ojos...
blue = azules
green = verdes
brown = marrones
hazel = castaños
My hair is... = Tengo el pelo
blond = rubio
brown = marrón
black = negro
red = pelirrojo
My eyes are... = Tengo los ojos...
blue = azules
green = verdes
brown = marrones
hazel = castaños
Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 77 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)
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