Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, January 30th

IMPORTANT: The Spanish 7 quiz for tomorrow: is being moved to the next F day.

I will be absent tomorrow. You will work on a family project with the sub, make flashcards for your vocab quiz and practice them in class. You must know all the words given to you during your last Spanish class. The best way to practice: cover up the English word. Look at the Spanish word. If you know it, put the flashcard in one pile. If you do not know the word, put it into the pile of words you need to study.

Quiz information:
Spanish 7 students who have Spanish on C and D days, will have their vocabulary quiz in the next C day.
Spanish 7 students who have Spanish on D and F days, will have their vocabulary quiz on the next F day.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday, January 27th

Hoy es jueves, el 27 de enero.

Spanish 8/Spanish I:
  • had a vocabulary quiz on the words on page 93. These tests will be returned the next class, and can be retaken if the student (or parent) wishes. Please let me know if you want to retake it. Retake times will be at lunchtime. If you were absent today, please be ready to take the quiz the next time you have class.
  • had a class assignment on the family. They had to draw a family tree (real or imaginary) and answer questions about them. This is due next class period.
Any student who is not happy with their Term 2 grade, please come see me tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, January 25th

Hoy es martes, el veinticinco de enero.

Spanish 7 (the sections who meet on Day F)
  • went over their midterm and turned in their corrections (or will finish them for homework).
  • have a vocabulary quiz on Monday, January 31st on the vocabulary words on page 105 (If you lose your copy, please come see me immediately to get another one). They were given a photocopy of these words, and began to make flashcards in class. The flashcards should be finished for homework.
Spanish I:
  • went over the last part of the midterm.
  • reviewed how to use possessions in Spanish. They were reminded that there is no apostrophe in Spanish.
"Mary's book" needs to be translated as "the book of Mary":
El libro de Mary.
  • reviewed possessive pronouns
mi/mis= my                            nuestro(a)/nuestros(as) = our
tu/tus = your                          vuestro(a)/vuestros(as) = your
su/sus = his/her/your              su(s) = their/your


Mi libro es azul. = My book is blue.
Mis libros son azules. = My books are blue.
Tom's book is blue. = El libro de Tom es azul.
Tom's books are blue. = Los libros de Tom son azules.

Reminder to Spanish I: You have a vocabulary quiz on the words on page 93 this Thursday. You must know how to write the words in Spanish.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24th

Spanish 8 and Spanish I :
  • went over the midterm exams. Corrections can be turned in next class for an extra credit grade. You must correct all the questions you got wrong on lined paper, NOT on your midterm exam.
Spanish 8 : studied vocabulary on page 93, for a vocabulary quiz this Thursday, Januart 27th. They need to be able to recognize all the words on page 93 (photocopied sheet passed out, and flashcards were made last week). On the quiz, they will be given a Spanish vocabulary word, and they will have to write down the English.

Spanish I:  studied vocabulary on page 93, for a vocabulary quiz this Thursday, Januart 27th. They need to be able to recognize all the words on page 93.  On the quiz, they will be given an English vocabulary word, and they will have to write down the Spanish.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Midterm exam grades

All Spanish 8 and Spanish I midterm exams have been graded and posted on family access.

All Spanish 7 midterm exams from last week and yesterday have been graded and posted on family access.

Spanish 7 mid tern exams from today will be graded and posted on family access by Sunday night.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18th

AARI - 6th graders had a short quiz today on basic Spanish questions.

Spanish club met and colored in maps of countries that speak Spanish.


1) Check the schedule below to see when your midterm is. Bring your date homework the day of your midterm to turn it in for a grade.

2) Spanish 7 students who took their midterm on Friday, January 14th last week:You have not turned in your date homework. I need it turned in to me before Friday, January 21st, or it will be marked as missing.

3) If you need any help studying for the midterm, come see me at lunchtime.

If you are absent the day of your Spanish midterm, come see me at lunchtime before Friday, january 21st to make it up.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12th

Spanish 7 (all 5 sections):
  • finished reviewing for the term exam
  • studied for the term exam in small groups
  • worked on missing assignments. All missing assignments must be turned in by Friday, January 21st.
Important grammar points:
Using the verb "gustar":

With nouns:
  • if you like one thing, you write "Me gusta"
  • If you like more than one thing, you write "Me gustan"

Me gusta el perro.
Me gustan los perros.

With people or places:
  • Me gusta Chicago.
  • Me gusta Taylor Swift.
  • Me gusta Ann.
With verbs:

  • Me gusta bailar.
You do not use "el" or "la" with verbs.

Extra help:
I will be available any day at lunchtime, to work with students who would like some help to study for the term exam.

For the midterm, Spanish 7 students must know how to answer all the basic Spanish questions on their study guides. These words will not be given to them in a word box. For other questions, there will be a word box, but they must still be able to recognize the words (these words are the words on pages 21, 51, and 77.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 11th

Spanish 7 (Sections 1,3 and 5):

  •      began their daily homework, which consists of writing down the date EVERY day (even on weekends) until the day of the Term 2 final, which will be on:
            Thursday, January 20th for sections 1 and 3
             Friday, January 21st for section 5
Students in Spanish 7 must write down the date every day, for a grade. Each sentence is worth 7 points, and students will lose 7 points for each day not completed. They will also lose points for spelling mistakes, missing accent marks, or words in the wrong order. Look at the vocabulary sheet below to see how to write the date.
  • reviewed the study guide (posted last week under Spanish 7 study guide).

Spanish Calendar vocabulary

Giving the date in Spanish:
1)    Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
2)    The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                  The number comes first, and the month comes last.

Hoy es martes, el veintiseis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
(Write out the number word e.g. “veintiseis”, not 26)

Days of the week:             Months____________________________

Monday = lunes                        January = enero         July = julio
Tuesday = martes                     February = febrero   August = agosto
Wednesday = miércoles            March = marzo            September = septiembre
Thursday = jueves                   April = abril               October = octubre
Friday = viernes                      May = mayo                November = noviembre
Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
Sunday = domingo

0 = cero
1 uno                   
2 dos                    
3 tres                   
4 cuatro               
5 cinco                 
6 seis                   
7 siete                 
8 ocho                 
9 nueve                
10 diez               
11 once                                  
12 doce                                   
13 trece                                  
14 catorce                             
15 quince                              
16 dieciseis                           
17 diecisiete                         
18 dieciocho                          
19 diecinueve                        
20 veinte                               
21 veintiuno                 
22 veintidos
23 veintitres
24 veinticuatro
25 veinticinco
26 veintiseis          
27 veintisiete         
28 veintiocho 
 29 veintinueve
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno

Spanish I:
reviewed what will be on their final on Thursday, January 20th:
  • Pronouns:
singular pronouns           plural pronouns
I = yo                               we = nosotros
You (familiar) = tú          you (familiar) = vosotros  (only used in Spain)
He = él                            they = ellos
She = ella                        they = ellas
You (formal) = usted       you (formal/familiar) = ustedes

  •  Definite articles:
el, la, los, las = they
  • Indefinite articles:
un, una = a
unos, unas = some
  • conjugating the verb "ser"= to be:
soy         somos
eres       sois
es          son
  • using the verb "gustar" = to like:
Me gusta = I like
Te gusta = You like
Le gusta = He/she likes
Me gusta _____________ . = I like _________ (one thing)
Me gustan ____________. = I like __________ (more than one thing).

with a noun:
                   Me gusta la pizza.
                   Me gustan las pizzas.
                  Me gusta Michigan.
                  Me gusta Taylor Swift.
with a verb:
                   Me gusta bailar.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10th

Today Spanish 8 (8th grade):
  •  reviewed the study guide (posted last week under Spanish 8 study guide).
  • began their daily homework, which consists of writing down the date EVERY day (even weekends) until the day of the Term 2 final, which will be on Wednesday, January 19th. Students in Spanish 8 (and Spanish I) must write down the date every day, for a grade. Each sentence is worth 7 points, and students will lose 7 points for each day not completed. They will also lose points for spelling mistakes, missing accent marks, or words in the wrong order. Look at the vocabulary sheet below to see how to write the date.
Spanish I students in the Spanish 8 classes:Your final term is on Thursday, January 20th. You will NOT take the Spanish 8 exam. On Wednesday, January 19th, you will have quiet study time for your final.

Spanish Calendar vocabulary

Giving the date in Spanish:
1)    Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
2)    The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                  The number comes first, and the month comes last.

Hoy es martes, el veintiseis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
(Write out the number word e.g. “veintiseis”, not 26)

Days of the week:             Months____________________________

Monday = lunes                        January = enero         July = julio
Tuesday = martes                     February = febrero   August = agosto
Wednesday = miércoles            March = marzo                     September = septiembre
Thursday = jueves                   April = abril               October = octubre
Friday = viernes                      May = mayo                November = noviembre
Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
Sunday = domingo


0 = cero
1 uno                   
2 dos                    
3 tres                   
4 cuatro               
5 cinco                 
6 seis                   
7 siete                 
8 ocho                 
9 nueve                
10 diez               
11 once                                  
12 doce                                   
13 trece                                  
14 catorce                             
15 quince                              
16 dieciseis                           
17 diecisiete                         
18 dieciocho                          
19 diecinueve                        
20 veinte                               
21 veintiuno                 
22 veintidos
23 veintitres
24 veinticuatro
25 veinticinco
26 veintiseis          
27 veintisiete         
28 veintiocho 
 29 veintinueve
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, January 7th

Spanish 7, Spanish 8, and Spanish I: Please look at the study guides below this post, and the term 2 exam schedule to see when your exam will be, and what you need to study. I suggest you start studying right away, as the exams are not that far away (from Jan 14-Jan 21st)

AARI (6th Graders): Met today and reviewed four questions that they need to know for their test on Tuesday, January 18th: You will have to know how to answer the four questions below.
¿Cómo te llamas? = what is your name?
Me llamo... = My name is...
¿Cómo estás? = Hw are you?
Bien = good
Mal - Bad
Así, así = So-so
Muy = Very
¿Cuántos años tienes? = How old are you?
Tengo once (or doce) años. = I am eleven (or twelve) years old.
¿"Qué día es hoy? = What is today?
Hoy es martes. = Today is Tuesday.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spanish 8 - Term 2 Exam Study Guide

Study Guide for Term final
8th Grade

You will have a end of term test on the following questions, answers and vocabulary. You will have to know how to spell the words, and answer the questions correctly.

Etapa Preliminar

You will have to know how to greet someone:

Know the following words:
Good morning = Buenos días
Good afternoon = Buenas tardes
Good night = Buenas noches
Hello = Hola
Good bye = Adiós
See you later = Hasta luego.
See you tomorrow = Hasta mañana

You will have to answer the following questions:

What is your name? = ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is… = Me llamo...
What is his or her name? = ¿Cómo se llama?
His/her name is… = Se llama...
What is today’s date? = ¿Qué fecha es hoy?
Today is Thursday, January 6th. = Hoy es jueves, el seis de enero.
Where are you from? = ¿De dónde eres?
I am from… = Soy de...
Where is he or she from? = ¿De dónde es?
He/she is from... = Él/Ella es de...
What is your telephone number? = ¿Cuál es tu teléfono?
My telephone number is... = Mi teléfono es...

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 21 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)

Etapa 1

You will have to answer the following questions:

How are you? (familiar) = ¿Cómo estás?
How are you? (formal) = ¿Cómo está usted?
How is she/he? = ¿Cómo está?
I am… (fine, bad, so-so) = Estoy... (bien, mal, así, así)
He is/she is… (fine, bad, so-so) = Él/Ella está... (bien, mal, así, así)
What do you like? = ¿Qué te gusta?
I like… = Me gusta...  (learn one thing or verb to go with this)
What does he/she like? = ¿Qué le gusta?
You like… Te gusta...
He/she likes… Le gusta... (learn one thing or verb to go with this)

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 47 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)

Etapa 2

You will have to answer the following questions:

What are you like? = ¿Cómo eres?
I am… = Soy... (learn two adjectives to describe yourself)
What is he/she like? = ¿Cómo es?
He/she is… = Él/Ella es... (learn two adjectives to describesomeone)
What color…? = ¿Qué color es...?
What are you wearing? = ¿Qué llevas?
I am wearing… = Llevo... (learn how to say something you are wearing)
What is he/she wearing? = ¿Qué lleva?
He/she is wearing… =  Él/Ella lleva...  (learn how to say something someone is wearing)

You will have to be able to describe yourself:
hair color, eye color, looks and personality
My hair is... = Tengo el pelo
blond = rubio
brown = marrón
black = negro
red = pelirrojo
My eyes are... = Tengo los ojos...
blue = azules
green = verdes
brown = marrones
hazel = castaños

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 69 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)

Spanish I Term 2 Study guide

Study Guide for Term final
Spanish I

You will have a end of term test on the following questions, answers and vocabulary. You will have to know how to spell the words, and answer the questions correctly. Use your text books at home to find all the vocabulary words below. You may also look above or below this blog at the answers given to 7th and 8th Grade Spanish, if you need help.

Etapa Preliminar

You will have to know how to greet someone:

Know the following words:
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good night
Good bye
See you later
See you tomorrow

You will have to answer the following questions:

1)      How to give your name or someone else’s name
2)      How to give the correct date in a complete sentence 

What is your name?
My name is…
What is his or her name?
His/her name is…
What is today’s date?
Today is Thursday, January 6th.
Where are you from?
I am from…
Where is he or she from?
What is your telephone number?

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 21

Etapa 1

You will have to answer the following questions:

How are you? (familiar)
How are you? (formal)
I am… (fine, bad, so-so)
He is/she is… (fine, bad, so-so)
He/she is from…
What do you like?
I like…
You like…
He/she likes…

How to conjugate the following verbs:
Ser  = To be (pg 35)

The pronouns (pg 35)
Yo, tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, ustedes

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 47

Etapa 2

You will have to answer the following questions:

What are you like?
I am…
What is he/she like?
He/she is…
What color…?
What are you wearing?
I am wearing…
What is he/she wearing?
He/she is wearing…

You will have to be able to describe yourself:
hair color, eye color, looks and personality

You will have to know the definite (pg 56) and indefinite articles (pg 57)

You will have to know how to use adjectives to describe things (pg 59)

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 69

7th Grade Term 2 Study Guides

Study Guide for Term final
7th Grade

You will have a end of term test on the following questions, answers and vocabulary. You will have to know how to spell the words, and answer the questions correctly.

Etapa Preliminar

You will have to know how to greet someone:

Know the following words:

Good morning = Buenos días
Good afternoon = Buenas tardes
Good night = Buenas noches
Hello = Hola
Good bye = Adiós
See you later = Hasta luego.
See you tomorrow = Hasta mañana

You will have to answer the following questions:

What is your name? = ¿Cómo te llamas?
My name is… = Me llamo...
What is his or her name? = ¿Cómo se llama?
His/her name is… = Se llama...
What is today’s date? = ¿Qué fecha es hoy?
Today is Thursday, January 6th. = Hoy es jueves, el seis de enero.
Where are you from? = ¿De dónde eres?
I am from… = Soy de...
Where is he or she from? = ¿De dónde es?
He/she is from... = Él/Ella es de...

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 21 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)

Etapa 1

You will have to answer the following questions: 

How are you? (familiar) = ¿Cómo estás?
How are you? (formal) = ¿Cómo está usted?
How is she/he? = ¿Cómo está?
I am… (fine, bad, so-so) = Estoy... (bien, mal, así, así)
He is/she is… (fine, bad, so-so) = Él/Ella está... (bien, mal, así, así)
What do you like? = ¿Qué te gusta?
I like… = Me gusta...  (learn one thing or verb to go with this)
What does he/she like? = ¿Qué le gusta?
You like… Te gusta...
He/she likes… Le gusta... (learn one thing or verb to go with this)

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 51 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)

Etapa 2

You will have to answer the following questions:

What are you like? = ¿Cómo eres?
I am… = Soy... (learn two adjectives to describe yourself)
What is he/she like? = ¿Cómo es?
He/she is… = Él/Ella es... (learn two adjectives to describesomeone)
What color…? = ¿Qué color es...?
What are you wearing? = ¿Qué llevas?
I am wearing… = Llevo... (learn how to say something you are wearing)
What is he/she wearing? = ¿Qué lleva?
He/she is wearing… =  Él/Ella lleva...  (learn how to say something someone is wearing)

You will have to be able to describe yourself:
hair color, eye color, looks and personality
My hair is... = Tengo el pelo
blond = rubio
brown = marrón
black = negro
red = pelirrojo
My eyes are... = Tengo los ojos...
blue = azules
green = verdes
brown = marrones
hazel = castaños

Be familiar with:
Vocabulary on page 77 (come by my room to get a photocopy of this if you have lost your original sheet)

Term exams

Please look at the schedule below to see when your Term 2 exam will be. It is also posted on my Berkley website. Your Term 2 study guides will also be posted on this blog, and on my Berkley website.

Spanish 7:
The Spanish 7 Term 2 exams will depend on what section of Spanish they are in. Look at my Schedule folder to see what section you are in.

1) Spanish I - section 1:

The Term 2 exam will be on Thursday, January 20th.

2) Spanish 7 - section 2:

The Term 2 exam will be on January 14th (This section must take the final exam early because the 21st is a half flip day)

3) Spanish 7 - section 3:

The Term 2 exam will be on Thursday, January 20th

4) Spanish 7 - section 4
The Term 2 exam will be on Friday, January 21st

5) Spanish 7 - section 5
The Term 2 exam will be on Friday, January 21st

Spanish 8
All Spanish 8 Term 2 exams will be on Wednesday, January 19th.

Spanish I:
All Spanish I Term 2 exams will be on Thursday, January 20th.

Spanish I students will NOT take the Spanish 8 exam. Spanish I students will have that entire lesson (on January 19th) for studying purposes only, for their final which will be the very next day, Thursday, January

Wednesday, January 5th

8th Grade:

  • Filled out a Spanish assessment sheet, translating and answering basic Spanish questions. We will be learning these questions throughout the next few months.
Spanish I:
  • Began writing a skit in Spanish. They will present these skits to the class in a few weeks.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4th

7th Grade - Sections 1. 3, and 5:

  •  How to write the date in Spanish:

Hoy es martes, el cuatro de enero.

  •  How to ask and give your name"

¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name?
Me llamo Señora Roth. = My name is Señora Roth.
  • How to ask and answer how one is feeling

¿Cómo estás? = How are you?
bien = good
mal = bad
así, así  = so-so

Practiced and performed conversation skits

No homework.

7th Grade: sections 2 and 4:
  • Filled out a Spanish assessment sheet, translating and answering basic Spanish questions. We will be learning these questions throughout the next few months.
  • Practiced  and performed conversation skits.

No homework.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3rd

7th grade students: C Day
  • filled out a Spanish assessment sheet, translating and answering basic Spanish questions. We will be learning these questions throughout the next few months. 
  • practiced their conversation skits. Some students will present these to the class tomorrow, and some will present them next week during their next Spanish class.
8th grade students: C Day - Spanish I students only
  • filled out a Spanish assessment sheet, translating and answering basic Spanish questions. We will be learning these questions throughout the next few months.