Thursday, February 28, 2013

jueves, el veintiocho de febrero

Spanish I:

  • Students went to the lab at Avery today, to study for the test on Monday, and the quiz on Tuesday.
  • They used and, which are websites they should be using at home for practice.
Important Grammar Notes from yesterday:
  • Students need to know how to answer the following questions for the 2.2 test on Monday.
¿Qué clases tienes por la mañana? = What classes do you have in the morning?
 Ex: Tengo español, inglés, y computación.

¿Qué hora es? = What time is it? (Students will have to write what time it actually is)
Ex: Son las dos y diez. 
      Es la una y cinco.

¿Quieres beber un refresco o agua? = Do you want to drink pop or water?
Ex: Quiero beber un refresco. (or agua)

¿Cómo es tu horario? = What is your schedule like?
Ex: Mi horario es ______________. (Add adjective describing your schedule: eg fácil or difícil)

¿Adónde vas a las tres y media? = Where do you go at 3:30?
Ex: Yo voy a mi casa a las tres y media. (Say where you go at 3:30)

  • The review packet passed out on Monday is due tomorrow (Extra days were given)
  • The 2.3 vocab packet passed out several weeks ago is due this Friday. This includes the sentences that need to be written for each vocabulary word.
  • The 2.3 quiz (part 1) will be this Friday, March 1st.
  • The 2.2 chapter test will be this Monday, March 4th.
3rd Grade Spanish:

  • Students finished their number flashcards, and had a worksheet on numbers. 
  • They will have a test on numbers in a few weeks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

miércoles, el veintisiete de febrero

Spanish I:

I am moving the 2.3 quiz (part 1) to next Tuesday, so we can have all of this Friday to continue reviewing for the 2.2 test.

  • We went over questions that students need to know how to answer for the 2.2  chapter test on Monday.
  • Students studied for the test, using their notes and the review worksheet.
Grammar Notes:
  • Students need to know how to answer the following questions for the 2.2 test on Monday.
¿Qué clases tienes por la mañana? = What classes do you have in the morning?
 Ex: Tengo español, inglés, y computación.

¿Qué hora es? = What time is it? (Students will have to write what time it actually is)
Ex: Son las dos y diez. 
      Es la una y cinco.

¿Quieres beber un refresco o agua? = Do you want to drink pop or water?
Ex: Quiero beber un refresco. (or agua)

¿Cómo es tu horario? = What is your schedule like?
Ex: Mi horario es ______________. (Add adjective describing your schedule: eg fácil or difícil)

¿Adónde vas a las tres y media? = Where do you go at 3:30?
Ex: Yo voy a mi casa a las tres y media. (Say where you go at 3:30)

  • The review packet passed out on Monday is due Friday (Extra days given)
  • The 2.3 vocab packet passed out several weeks ago is due this Friday. This includes the sentences that need to be written for each vocabulary word.
  • The 2.3 quiz (part 1) will be this Friday, March 1st.
  • The 2.2 chapter test will be this Monday, March 4th.
3rd Grade Spanish:

  • Students finished their number flashcards, and had a worksheet on numbers. 
  • They will have a test on numbers in a few weeks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

martes, el veintiséis de febrero

Spanish I:

  • We looked at different parts of the review worksheet and went over the grammar aspects they need to know for the 2.2 chapter test on Monday.
  • Students continued working on the review packet which is due tomorrow.
  • If finished, students practiced the 2.3 vocab (part 1) for the quiz this Friday.

  • The review packet passed out yesterday is due tomorrow.
  • The 2.3 vocab packet passed out several weeks ago is due this Friday. This includes the sentences that need to be written for each vocabulary word.

  • The 2.3 quiz (part 1) will be this Friday, March 1st.
  • The 2.2 chapter test will be this Monday, March 4th.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students finished their number flash cards and practiced them. They will have a quiz on these in a few weeks.
  • They received a new homework sheet for the date, due next Monday.

Monday, February 25, 2013

2.2 Study Guide

2.2 Examen Study Guide

ALL vocabulary is fair game!  Make sure that you know everything from past vocabulary tests, even if we rarely used it!

 ALL grammar from past units will come back in this test. Make sure you review all your old study guides.

 Know the verb “ir” = to go
       Yo voy                              Nosotros vamos
        Tú vas                                Vosotros vais
           Él/ella/usted va                  Ellos/ellas/ustedes van

Know how to answer the following questions:
1)      ¿Adónde vas? = Where are you going?
Voy a la cafeteria. = I am going to the cafeteria.
Voy al gimnasio. (Remember that ‘a’ +‘el’ becomes ‘al’) = I am going to the gymnasium.

2) ¿Dónde está…?  = Where is…?
¿Dónde está Ricardo? Ricardo está en la clase. = Where is Richard? Richard is in class.

3) ¿Qué hora es? = What time is it?
Es la una/Son las dos. = It is one o’clock/It is two o’clock.
4) ¿A qué hora es…? = At what time is…?  
A la una/a las dos. = At one/two.

Know how to tell time
        1)   Any 1:00 time is considered singular, and you must start your sentence with
        “Es la una.”
Any 2:00-12:00 time is considered plural, and you must start your sentence with
“Son las dos.”

 2) Use ‘y’ + minutes for the number of minutes after the hour.
1:05    Es la una y cinco. (Do not say ‘cero” for zero)
2:10:   Son las dos y diez.

       3) Use ‘menos’ + minutes for the number of minutes before the hour.
12:50   Es la una menos diez.
1:50     Son las dos menos diez.

4) Use ‘cuarto’ for quarter past and ‘media’ for half past.
1:15    Es la una y cuarto.
2:30    Son las dos y media.

5) When you are talking about when something will happen, use “a la una/a las dos
¿A qué hora es la clase de español? La clase de español es a las dos. = At what time is Spanish class? Spanish class is at 2 pm.

Know the verb ‘estar’ = to be
      Yo estoy                            Nosotros estamos   
      Tú estás                             Vosotros estáis
      Él/ella/usted está               Ellos/ellas/ustedes están

      We use the verb “estar” to say where people or things are located.
      La profesora está en la clase. = The teacher is in the classroom.

Know the interrogative (question) words
       Know how to form these kinds of questions and how to answer them.
Cómo = how                         ¿Cómo está Ricardo? = How is Ricardo?
Cuál(es) = which or what           ¿Cuál es el libro? = Which is the book?
                                                    ¿Cuáles son los libros? = Which are the books?
(‘Cuál’ cannot be followed directly by a noun: ‘Cuál libro’ is not correct)
Cuándo = when                     ¿Cuándo estudia Ricardo? = When does Ricardo study?
Por qué = why                       ¿Por qué va Ricardo a casa? = Why is Ricardo going home?
Qué = what                            ¿Qué es? = What is it?
(‘Qué’ can be followed directly by a noun: ‘Qué libro es’ is correct.)
Quién(es) = who                    ¿Quién habla con el professor? (1 person) = Who is talking
                                                with the teacher?
                                               ¿Quiénes hablan con el professor? (2 or more people) = 
                                                  Who is talking with the  teacher?

lunes, el veinticinco de febrero

Spanish I:
  • We went over the exercise assigned before break/
  • Students received the 2.2 chapter test study guide. This test is on Monday, March 4th. They began a review worksheet that will be due on Wednesday, Feb 27th.
  • The 2.3 quiz (part 1) will be this Friday, March 1st.
  • The 2.2 chapter test will be this Monday, March 4th.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students finished their number flash cards and practiced them. They will have a quiz on these in a few weeks.
  • They received a new homework sheet for the date, due next Monday.

Friday, February 15, 2013

viernes, el quince de febrero

Today was only a half day. I only had 1st and 2nd hour Spanish.

Spanish I:

  • Students watched SpongeBob cartoons in Spanish.
  • Ex 12 on pg 134, due Monday, Feb 25th.
  • The chapter test on 2.2 will be on March 4th. We will finish the chapter and review the week we get back from break.
  • The quiz on 2.3 (part 1) will be on Friday, March 8th.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

jueves, el catorce de febrero

¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!

Spanish I:

  • We went over yesterday's exercises.
  • We watched a video in Spanish about St. Valentine's Day (Go to and type in "El dia de San Valentin).
  • Students had one exercise to do, Ex 12 on pg 134, due Monday, Feb 25th.
  • The chapter test on 2.2 will be on March 4th. We will finish the chapter and review the week we get back from break.
  • The quiz on 2.3 (part 1) will be on Friday, March 8th.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students learned different Spanish phrases and words for St.Valentine's Day and they made Valentines to take home. There is no homework over the break, but they need to finish the date homework sheet they got on Monday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

miércoles, el trece de febrero

Spanish I:
  • Students finished writing their skits, using ir and estar. They will act them out in class tomorrow.
  • We went over how to talk about what days you do something, either using el or los. Students did exercises #6,7 & 8 on pgs 130-131. These are due tomorrow.
Grammar Lesson:
  • To say that you have an appointment on a certain day, you use "el" followed by the day of the week. All days are masculine.
                     Yo tengo una cita el lunes. = I have an appointment on Monday.
  • To say that you have or do something on a certain day every day, you use "los" followed by the day of the week. Monday-Friday do not change since they all end in "s". You have to add an "s" to sábado and domingo to make them plural.
                  Yo voy a la biblioteca los sábados y domingos. = I go to the library every Saturday and

  • Exercises # 6,7 & 8 on pgs 130-131. These are due tomorrow.
  • The next quiz 2.3 (part 1) will be Monday, February 25th. Students will get the vocab packet tomorrow.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students learned different Spanish phrases and words for St.Valentine's Day and they made Valentines to take home. There is no homework over the break, but they need to finish the date homework sheet they got on Monday.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

martes, el doce de febrero

Spanish I:

  • Students worked on a skit, using "ir" and "estar". This will be finished in class tomorrow, and acted out on Thursday.
Grammar lesson:
Ir = to go                      Estar = To be
voy  vamos                    estoy    estamos
vas  vais                        estás     estáis
va   van                         está       están

Question words:

¿Dónde estás? = Where are you?
Estoy en la clase de español. = I am in Spanish class.

¿Adónde vas? = Where are you going to?
Voy a la escuela. = I am going to school.

  • The next quix 2.3 (part 1) will be Monday, February 25th. Students will get the vocab packet tomorrow.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students counted up as high as they could (around 15). They will be learning to count up to 31.
  • They began making flash cards for their numbers.
  • Students received a new date sheet. They need to write the full date every day for a week, and return it after the break.
    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
    10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta

Monday, February 11, 2013

lunes, el once de febrero

Spanish I:
  • Students had their 2.2 quiz (part 2).
  • They received a verb sheet to pracitce conjugating verbs, some new, and some old. This is due tomorrow.
  • They also had class time to finish their neat copy of their Dream schedule. This is due tomorrow.
  • The next quix 2.3 (part 1) will be Monday, February 25th. Students will get the vocab packet tomorrow.
3rd Grade Spanish:
  • Students counted up as high as they could (around 15). They will be learning to count up to 31.
  • They began making flash cards for their numbers.
  • Students received a new date sheet. They need to write the full date every day for a week, and return it after the break.
    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
    10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta

viernes, el ocho de febrero

Snow Day!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

jueves, el siete de febrero

Spanish I:
  • Students had their dream schedules checked for spelling mistakes.
  • They then had to write sentences, saying when their real classes begin and end. This is due tomorrow.
   La clase de español es a las ocho y quince. Termina a las nueve y siete.
  • Once they finished their sentences, they had to draw a neat copy of their dream schedule. There is no due date for this yet.
  • Schedule sentences are due tomorrow. The 2.2 vocab packet (part 2) is due on Monday.
  • The 2.2 quiz (part 2) will be on Monday, Feb 11th.
3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students reviewed how to write the complete date in Spanish. We did yesterday and today's date together. Students then took home the date homework, and they need to write out the rest of the week's dates on their own. The homework sheet is due on Monday. 
  • They wrote out their birthday date.
    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
    10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

miércoles, el seis de febrero

Spanish I:

  • We went over how to conjugate the verbs "ir" (to go) and "estar" (to be), and they added these verbs to their verb sheet.
  • We went over the time telling worksheet.
  • Students had to make two school schedules: their real schedule and their perfect dream schedule. This is due by tomorrow. 
  • Schedule sentences are due tomorrow. The 2.2 vocab packet (part 2) is due on Monday.
  • The 2.2 quiz (part 2) will be on Monday, Feb 11th.

3rd grade Spanish:
  • Students reviewed how to write the complete date in Spanish. We did yesterday and today's date together. Students then took home the date homework, and they need to write out the rest of the week's dates on their own. The homework sheet is due on Monday. 
  • They wrote out their birthday date.
    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
    10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta

martes, el cinco de febrero

Spanish I:

  • Students learned how to tell time today. We went over the differences between telling time in English and telling time in Spanish.
  • They then had a worksheet, writing time sentences. This is due tomorrow.
Grammar Notes:

Telling time in Spanish

     1) Any 1:00 time is considered singular, and you must start your sentence with
       “Es la una.”
        Any 2:00-12:00 time is considered plural, and you must start your sentence with
       “Son las dos.”

      2) Use ‘y’ + minutes for the number of minutes after the hour.
1:05    Es la una y cinco. (Do not say ‘cero” for zero)
2:10:   Son las dos y diez.

     3) Use ‘menos’ + minutes for the number of minutes before the hour.
12:50   Es la una menos diez.
1:50     Son las dos menos diez.

   4) Use ‘cuarto’ for quarter past and ‘media’ for half past.
1:15    Es la una y cuarto.
2:30    Son las dos y media.

    5) When you are talking about when something will happen, use “a la una/a las dos
¿A qué hora es la clase de español? La clase de español es a las dos. = At what time is Spanish class? Spanish class is at 2 pm.

  • The 2.2 quiz (part 2) will be on Monday, Feb 11th.
3rd Grade Spanish:

  • Students had a practice test on the months in Spanish, and most of them already can match them all.
  • They learned how to write the complete date in Spanish. They will begin having Spanish homework from today onwards. This week's homework is writing the complete date every day (including weekends). It will be due next Monday. I am keeping the homework sheet until Wednesday, so I can go over it with them this week. 

    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
    10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta

Monday, February 4, 2013

lunes, el cuatro de febrero

Spanish I:

  • Students had the 2.2 quiz (part 1)
  • They began working on the 2.2 vocab worksheet (part 2). This is due Monday, Feb 11th.
  • The 2.2 quiz (part 2) will be on Monday, Feb 11th.
3rd Grade Spanish:

  • Students had a practice test on the months in Spanish, and most of them already can match them all.
  • They learned how to write the complete date in Spanish. They will begin having Spanish homework from today onwards. This week's homework is writing the complete date every day (including weekends). It will be due next Monday. I am keeping the homework sheet until Wednesday, so I can go over it with them this week. 

    Spanish Calendar vocabulary

    Giving the date in Spanish:
    1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
    2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                      Thnumber comes first, and the month comes last.

    Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
    (Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

    Days of the week:             Months____________________________
    Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
    Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
    Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
    Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
    Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
    Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
    Sunday = domingo


    1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
    2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
    3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
    4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
    5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
    6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
    7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
    8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
    9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
    10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta

Friday, February 1, 2013

viernes, el primero de febrero

Spanish I:
  • Students went to the lab at Avery. They either worked on practicing the vocabulary words for the 2.2 quiz  (part 1) on Monday, or they finished their comic strip, by going to

All due Monday:
  •  2.2 vocab packet
  • Verb sentences
  • Comic strip
  • Quiz on 2.2 words on the vocab worksheet.
5th Grade Spanish:
  • Students learned how to write the complete date in Spanish. They will begin having Spanish homework from today onwards. This week's homework is writing the complete date every day (including weekends). It will be due next Friday.
Spanish Calendar vocabulary

Giving the date in Spanish:
1)  Remember that days of the week and months are NOT capitalized.
2)  The order of the words is different in Spanish:
                  The number comes first, and the month comes last.

Hoy es martes, el veintiséis de octubre = Today is Tuesday, October 26th.
(Write out the number word e.g. “veintiséis”, not 26)

Days of the week:             Months____________________________
Monday = lunes                       January = enero         July = julio
Tuesday = martes                    February = febrero   August = agosto
Wednesday = miércoles           March = marzo           September = septiembre
Thursday = jueves                  April = abril               October = octubre
Friday = viernes                     May = mayo                 November = noviembre
Saturday = sábado                  June = junio                December = diciembre
Sunday = domingo


1 uno                    11 once                                  21 veintiuno               31 treinta y uno
2 dos                    12 doce                                  22 veintidos
3 tres                   13 trece                                 23 veintitres
4 cuatro               14 catorce                              24 veinticuatro
5 cinco                 15 quince                               25 veinticinco
6 seis                   16 dieciseis                            26 veintiseis           
7 siete                  17 diecisiete                          27 veintisiete          
8 ocho                  18 dieciocho                           28 veintiocho  
9 nueve                19 diecinueve                        29 veintinueve
10 diez                 20 veinte                                30 treinta