Spanish I:
- Students received the writing practice for the 2.3 exam. We will work on this today and next week.
Writing Practice for 2.3:
Practice for 2.3 Exam
Oral and written
Oral questions for 2.3 Exam
- ¿Qué vas a hacer el sábado? = What are you going to do on Saturday?
- ¿A qué hora vas a hacer la tarea? = At what time are you going to do your homework?
- ¿Adónde vas con tus amigos? = Where do you go with your friends?
- ¿Qué te gusta leer? = What do you like to read?
- ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? = What do you like to do in your free time?
Practice Writing for Exam
- Practice writing about all the following things in Spanish. You can look at your notes or your book. This MUST be done on your OWN, in quiet, with no one working with you. You must each have your own version.
The vocabulary you will need are on pages 21, 47, 69, 93, 121, 143, and 167.
The verb conjugations you will need are on:
· pg 35: ser
· pg 39: gustar
· pg 78: tener
· pg 130: ir
· pg 134: estar
· Pg 109: regular “ar verbs
· Pg 157: regular “er” and “ir” verbs
· Pg 157: hacer and conocer
· Pg 158: oír
You MUST use the verbs and the places on pg 167. You can choose which ones to use. If you do not do some of the following things, then you MUST talk about someone ( a friend or family member) who DOES do them.
1) Write about what you will do this weekend and where you will go. Mention what you will do on Friday AND Saturday AND Sunday. Use the verbs “ir + an infinitive verb”. (Use the words “el viernes, el sábado, el domingo” to say what you do on these days.)
2) Describe one of your friends (name, age, looks, and personality). Use the verbs “llamar, tener, and ser”.
3) Write about who in your family prepares dinner and who shops for food in the supermarket. Use the verbs “preparar” and “ir”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for dinner, food and supermarket)
4) Write about who looks after your pet or younger sibling. If you do not have a pet or a sibling, talk about someone you know who does have a pet or younger sibling. Use the verb “cuidar a”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for animals or people to look after, or use a dictionary).
5) Write about what instrument you play. If you do not play one, write about someone you know who does play an instrument. Use the verb “tocar”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for instruments to play, or use a dictionary for other instruments).
6) Write about what you like to read. If you do not like to read, write about someone you know who does like to write, and say what this person likes to read. Use the verb “leer”. (Use pg 167 for the vocabulary for things to read)
7) Write about what you do with your friends when you hang out with them. Use the verb “pasar un rato con mis amigos” (Use the vocabulary on pg 167 for things to do and places to go to)
8) Write about what you like to do in your free time. (Use the vocabulary on pg 167 for verbs, things to do and places to go to).
9) Write about who you send a letter(email/text) to. Use the verb “mandar una carta/email/text” (Use the vocabulary on pg 167).
10) Write about what you hear when you go to a park. Use the verb “oír”. (Use the vocabulary on pg 167).
11) Write down all the sequencing events words below, and STUDY them well. You will have to use them on the written part of the test.
Sequencing events words: (pg 167)
Before =
After/afterward =
Then/so =
Later =
Finally =
First =
12) Practice writing a few sentences using these sequencing words, telling what you do on any given weekend. Use verbs and vocabulary from pg 67.