- went over exercises on "Hay" from last lesson.
- began new exercises
Spanish I
- reviewed for chapter test (2.3) this Friday
Study guide
2.3 Examen Study Guide
ü ALL vocab is fair game! Make sure that you know everything from past vocabulary tests, even if we rarely used it! Be familiar with the vocabulary on page 167. There will not be a vocab quiz on it,l but you must be able to recognize the words, to understand the words on the test.
ü Know the verb “ir a + infinitive verb” = to be going to + infinitive verb
Yo voy a… Nosotros vamos a…
Tú vas a… Vosotros vais a…
Él/ella/usted va a… Ellos/ellas/ustedes van a…
Yo voy a estudiar. = I am going to study.
IMPORTANT: Conjugate the first verb “ir”. Do NOT conjugate the second verb (what you are actually going to be doing)
ü Know:
-er verb endings:
-o -emos
-es -éis
-e -en
-ir verb endings:
-o -imos
-es -ís
-e -en
ü Know the three new irregular verbs
Hacer = to do, to makehago hacemos
haces hacéis
hace hacen
Conocer = to know
conozco conocemos
conoces conocéis
conoce conocen
Oir - to hear
oigo oímos
oyes oís
oye oyen
ü Review the past irregular verbs: tener, ir, ser and estar.
ü Be aware that you use ser for telling time and estar to describe your feelings and your location (where you are right now).